Number 11

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The circles were in place. Everyone playing was in their seats. A third year Slytherin strutted to the button, and pressed it. Everyone watched it spin around, and around, and around. At last it stopped, landing, once again, on a Gryffindor. She was in her seventh year, and was talented at Quidditch. It was Alicia Spinnet. She dipped her hand in the box, and pulled out a piece of parchment, and read in a clear, loud voice,
"Hazel." Her fellow Gryffindor seventh year, and long-time crush, stepped forwards.

Together, Alicia and Lee went into the closet. It was locked, and they looked at each other.

*Alicia's POV*

My heart was jumping faster than a chocolate frog, as I turned around to see Lee towering over me.
"So..." he began.
"Yeah... How're you?" I said nervously. "Damn that's lame. I was talking to you before this!"
"I know!"

"Well, we're here for approximately six more minutes, so how 'bout we play something?"
"Uh sure, like what though?"
"How about... 21 dares?"
"20 questions?" I suggested.
"What's that? I mean, I've heard of it, but never played it."
"Basically, we take it in turns to ask each other questions."
"Sound okay. You wanna start?"

"Sure." I thought for a moment. "What's you're favourite colour?"
"Red. Do you have any siblings, and if so, how many?"
"I have 3 sibling - 2 brothers, and 1 sister. How about you?"
"2 brothers. How about we get into the more... personal stuff now?"
"What, like crushes and stuff."
"Okay, well it's your turn."

"Have you ever fancied someone in our friendship group?"
"Yes. Have you?"
"Yup. Who was, or is, yours?"
"Um... pwoo"
"Er, sorry, what? I didn't quite get it."
"I uh... I said you." The light was dim, yet I could tell that he was blushing.
"Hey! It was my turn to ask the question! But yeah, really. Who was, or is, yours?"
"You." He replied simply.

"Hang on, so we like each other? Shit, Angelina was right, now I owe her 4 galleons!"
"So you currently like me then?" I could tell that he was smirking, as I slapped a hand to my mouth. I nodded, taking my hand away.
"Y-yeah. But was I your current or previous crush?" I asked sadly. Suddenly, he crashed his lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync, and I could feel cliché little sparks. When air became an essential, we pulled away.
"Current." He whispered to me.

*3rd Person*

After seven minutes, the doors opened to find Lee and Alicia snogging, and Angelina silently thanking her skills at placing money on pairs. When they realised that he time was up, they broke apart, both blushing like a pair of burnt gurdyroots. They came out, and sat down, though Lee kept shooting winks at her, causing a fit of giggles to repeatedly erupt from Alicia.

Seven minutes in heaven ~ Potter styleWhere stories live. Discover now