Number 9

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As Katie, and Angelina joined the circles once more, the arrow was spun. It circled round and round, then stopped suddenly. It landed on a Gryffindor, who dipped her hand in, only to pull out "Straw."
A short, mousey brown haired fellow Gryffindor stepped forth. He was a year younger than the girl.

And so it was that for seven minutes, Pavarti Patil, and Colin Creevy were to be locked in a cupboard.

*Colin's POV*

I nervously stepped inside, and found that it seemed the closet was smaller than it should have been. I was practically squished against Pavarti, who, I had to admit, I had a slight crush on. The only problem, was that she seemed a bit uncomfortable about the closeness. Which is exactly when I had an idea: if it's the room of requirement, the room that fits to your every needs, blah, blah, blah, wouldn't it make the closet bigger if I wanted it to? Hoping that my theory was correct, and would work, I closed my eyes tightly (much to her confusion), and thought in my head,
"I need the closet to become bigger on the inside, yet the outside stays the same size, and it's only for the pair currently inside." I repeated it over and over in my head, and found more space growing around me.

"Whoooooa!" I heard Parvarti exclaim, "how did you do that?!" I quickly explained, and left the beautiful girl looking at me in awe. "Wow I bet even Hermione Granger didn't even think of that!" I blushed, and smiled modestly. I decided that we might as well make the closet a bit better, so after compromising, the cupboard was now as big as your average living room, with a couple of comfy seats, and a small fireplace. I have to admit, it was pretty great.

We sat there talking, and decided to play 20 questions. After about 7 questions each, she asked me something I hoped she would never ask.
"Who's your current crush, or the last crush you had?" I could feel my cheeks heat up, and were certain that they were a dark crimson. "Oh come on, can't be that bad, can it?" She nudged me, and, blushing - if possible - even more, I muttered,
"Fwu." She looked confusedly at me.
"Sorry, what? I, er, couldn't hear you."
"I-I said you." I bit my lip and turned away as she gasped and whispered a small
"Oh." Glancing at my watch, I mentally groaned. An entire 3 minutes left, with the girl I fancy, and have just admitted it to.

Suddenly, I was turned around, and she kissed me. At first I was shocked, and then I realised what was happening, so I kissed her back. Most people think of me as little old Colin, who's obsessed with Harry Potter, and always has a camera with him. But there's more to me than that.

After what seemed eternity, but was actually a matter of seconds, we pulled apart, both of us breathing heavily.
"Wow." I muttered. Pavarti nodded fervently.
"Yeah, wow." I scratched the back of my neck nervously.
"So, er, Pavarti, can we- will you- can I- will you go out with me?" I stuttered, stumbling over my words.
"No." I looked at her, shocked.
"W-what? But I thought we-you-I..."
"Colin, you bimbo, I was kidding! Of course I'll go out with you!" She laughed, hitting me playfully. I smiled at her. Looking at my watch, I saw that there was only about thirty seconds left, so we sat there talking, and decided that people could know and gossip about us all the wanted, and that we would be fine if it was offical. So we kissed just as the doors opened. There was a collective gasp around the room, and we broke apart, both smiling. We were then ushered out, and we each sat in our places, shooting glances at each other every so often.

Seven minutes in heaven ~ Potter styleWhere stories live. Discover now