Number 12

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...It's been so long I can't remember who requested it :3 Sorry.

A small Hufflepuff went forth, and pressed the button, knowing that it wouldn't landing on her because she was the one who pressed it, and silently thanking Merlin for that - she only came along because her friend forced her to. At last the arrow stopped, landing on the said friend: Hannah Abbot. Blushing, the 15 year old went forwards, and - closing her eyes tightly - stuck her fist into the box, grabbed a slip of paper, and pulled her hand out again, as though she'd been struck by lightning.

"Toad... Er Toad Green?"

No one in the boy's circle moved.
"Well it's not me."

"Or me." Each guy looked onto the one next to him questioningly, who would say it wasn't them, and continue the process.

"What's not you?" One person asked.

"Toad Green Longbottom." A Hufflepuff sneered at the boy.

"Oh. That's me." The Huffle rolled his eyes.

"Well go on then you idiot."

"Right. Yeah."

He went into the closet, and Hannah followed, slightly annoyed (at this stage, Nevile wasn't SuperMegaFoxyAwewomeHot).


Me and Luna had stopped going out, for a number of reasons, the main one being that it just wasn't working. Hannah was - admittedly - rather cute. And I had had a crush on her for a whi- I'm just making this up.

"So er... Hi." I said, smiling. "I know you know, but I'm Neville."

"The guy who let Sirius Black into the Gryfindoor common room in third year?"

"Yeah." I said glumly. "That's me. I can't remember anything to save my life, so I got that portrait guy to tell me all the ones he'd use for the week. A couple o' days later, I couldn't find them. I'm still sure I put them on my bedside table, but the evidence proves otherwise." I said bitterly.

"Well at least you're known. Not for the best reasons admittedly - no offence - but I'd rather that than have everyone not know you."

"I'd do anything to not be known. I'm the guy who was fat with buck teeth in first year. Who exploded their cauldron in the first potions class, and fell off my broomstick." She gasped, and smiled.

"You're the one who dropped the remberall!"

"Yeah..." I blushed.

"But that's great! I mean, if you hadn't, you wouldn't have Harry Potter on your Quidditch team - before he was banned obviously."

"Um I guess. But everyone pins it down to Malfoy, who picked it up and chucked it."

"But it was still yours."

"Hmm. So, what subjects do you like? I just mean... Well, in not very good at socialising, sorry. You got the runt of the pack."

"I think I got the Alpha. How different would everything be if it weren't for you? Seriously. Harry wouldn't have made the team, so everything that happened in first year would have been different. None if that stuff with the bludger would've happened. He'd probably had to have thought of a different way to get round that dragon... You're amazing!" I felt heat spread to my cheeks.

"Thanks Hannah. You're way cooler though. I mean, Ravenclaw have intelligence, Gryfindoor bravery and stupidity, Slytherin have ambition. Your house has the rest. Think about how many talents you posses! Loyalty, kindness, clever, Cedric was brave, you're great at finding things, and so much more!"

"Thanks Neville. Y'know, you're not too bad. Maybe... Maybe we can hang out some time?"

"Sure. Owl me or... Tuesday?"

"Can't, sorry. I have an extra Herbology thing. Have to meet with some Ravenclaw."

"I could tutor you? If you want, I mean. I'm getting graded equal to Hermione's!"

"Sure. Sounds great. Tuesday in the library, five o'clock?"

"Five o'clock. It's a date." The words slipped out of my mouth before I could process so much as the thought. Slapping a hand to my mouth, I blushed. "Sorry! I just meant it's a date as in a day of the year date. Like the twenty-sixth of March is a date."

She laughed. Then lwabed forward. She placed a hesitant kiss on my cheek.
"I'd be fine for a date if you are."

My eyes widened.
"Um. Sure. I mean yeah, yeah! I'd love to! I er- yeah." A grin planted itself on my face, as the spot of skin tingled slightly - just as it had with Luna.

"Perfect. Be on time. In fact, be there, or be square."

"Yes ma'am. I never used to get that."

"I still don't." I looked at her.

"Really? Its simple. You'll be square, because you won't be a-round."

Her eyes became saucers, and she gasped, pointing at me.

"That makes so much sense!" I chuckled.

"I know. Mind baffling."

"But it- oh Merlin. Wow."

"Wow what? What's happened in here?" Came a voice. A Weasley twin. Four and half years, I still can't tell them apart.

"No, it was just a joke-fact thing." I said, shrugging.

"Sure. Well did anything exciting actually happen?"

I looked at her, abd shook my head at Twin #1.

"No. Just talked. Nothing that big."

With that, we sat down. But my meeting - date - couldn't come soon enough.

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