Number 8

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"Hey, guys, I have an idea!" Fred Weasley yelled, as the pair after Katie and Draco - Marcus Flint and Pansy Parkinson - came out, lip gloss smeared across both faces, hair not as neat as it had previously been - for either of them.

People looked up, and someone asked what it was.
"Well, what about we give it a twist; there's TWO closets, and both a boy AND a girl have to press the spinners? Then, the people to lands on have to press it again, and whoever it lands on is who go's in. So boy and boy, girl and girl? Make it a bit more... interesting..."

The students nodded, some a bit squirmish as they had been raised against this sort of thing, and others excited, ready to see the outcome.
"Wait!" Called Cho Chang from the crowd, "why don't we do it so that it doesn't have to pressed again, and instead another arrow appears, which spins around, too. That way there's no mistake, and the two people HAVE to go in?"

"Okay, all for Cho's idea?" George counted the amount of people with their hand I the air. "42. Majority wins."

So another closet appeared, as did signs, like those on a public WC. The big red button transfigured into an arrow as it was pressed, and landed on Harry Potter. It then had another appear, which, too, spun, and landed on none other than his arch nemesis... Draco Lucius Malfoy.

People laughed, and jeered, for it was well known that the two loathed each other. Meanwhile, the girl's arrow had just landed, and the two girls who had to go in were, to the crowd's disappointment, two best friends, one of whom had a boyfriend, who she wouldn't dream of losing after finally getting him. The two would more than likely just gossip; Angelina Johnson, and Katie Bell. Both Katie and Draco were surprised; who would have thought that they would both be picked again, with only one pair in between them. But rules were rules.

*Harry's POV*

I was beyond disgusted. I had to contain my anger and stay in a closet for 7 minutes with that excuse for a human. Wrinkling my nose in disgust, I stepped into it, and found, to my relief beyond words, that it had more room than it had when I was in Ginny.

We had decided to take a break, because it was kind of weird to be dating your best mate's sister/your brother's best mate. Also, Ron kept badgering her about who she was going out with, and she wouldn't tell.

Malfoy stepped in too, as far away from me as possible.
"Okay, listen, Malfoy." Venom dripped off my words, making me sound a little harsher than I meant to. "We have to be in here for the next 7 minutes, and we both know that neither of us want to be in here. So let's just ignore each other, and stay quite, or a duel may break out."



"I-I'm sorry about what I'm about to do."

"Wh-" but I was cut off by his lips, smashing down into mine. Despite looking ice cold, and rock hard, they were in fact the very opposite. The warmth spread like fire through my body, and it was then that I realised that I was kissing back. At last, we pulled away for air.

"S-sorry, I just, uh, w-wanted to know what it would be like."

"Um, okay, er..." I was at loss as for what to say. "Wait." I fixed up our appearances. "We need to look like we were duelling, or people will get suspicious. Punch my nose."

"Um, okay..." he punched it, and I could feel the blood spurting out.

"Sorry!" He his whispered.

"Id's fine. Dorry for whadever I do do you, doo." With that, I punched his cheek. Then, we started duelling, hexes flying everywhere.

When we thought there were enough, we just say there, though when there was about 20 seconds left, we started the hexing again, and when the doors opened, people gasped at the state we were in. We started to use the cover story.


"Ssssighe Sssissasorcia. Big mistake, Malfoy. Forget I'm a Parselmouth?" I taunted him.

"Make no mistake, my father will hear about this!"

"Your father won't hear ANYTHING when I'm done with you. Don't. You. DARE. Insult me, my family, my friends, or THEIR families EVER again." I limped out, leaving him covered in hexes, and trying to figure out how to get out.

"Well, I can't help the fact that your parents are dead." He muttered. Most couldn't hear, but I was in the distance to hear it perfectly well. I wheeled round.

"REDUCTO!" I yelled. He ducked, and he spell caught the closet instead. It blew into Slithereens, and turned into dust, that settled around him. He crawled back to the circle.

"Right, um, maybe that wasn't such a good idea. Okay, let's just stick with girl and boy?" People nodded fervently, still too shocked at the occurrence that had just taken place in front of them. "Right..." so the pile of rubble disappeared, as did the button in the boy's circle. I limped to my seat, and Hermione and Ginny ran over, using healing spells to help me.

Ginny, however, performed her infamous bat-bogey hex on Draco, causing him to try to swat away giant bogeys that had wings, with an arm that was covered in boils, blisters, a snake nite, and he was giggling madly. The other was not able to be used, as it was stuck to the floor. Eventually, they managed to get him out of the pile, and onto a chair, but really, he needed to be taken to the hospital wing.

It was decided that I, too, needed the hospital wing, and the cover story was what "actually happened" - Malfoy was insulting me, my family, and friends, so we started duelling.

Everyone knew about my temper, and when he conjured the snake, I couldn't control my temper, and told it to bite him. So, Ginny and Hermione helped me to give there, whilst Draco had Parkinson and Flint to support him. Upon arrival, Madame Promfrey ushered us in, and healed the two of us. However, we had to stay the night. As she gave me my dreamless sleep potion, my thoughts drifted to the kiss Draco and I had shared.

The last thought I had before I went to sleep was realising that something had happened that I never thought would, and could result in all sorts if it ever got out: Draco Malfoy kissed me, and I liked it.

A/N: Hi guys! So, this was Drarry, suggested by @InfinateSlayr, and @AlvaniaSnape. As I can't dedicate it to two of you, I'll dedicate it in this to @AlvaniaSnape, and with the dedication thing, I'll dedicate it to @InfinateSlayr. Please check out their work! If you want a pair, tell me in either comments or PM, and I will write it then dedicate it to you :)


P.S. Although I love all comments, I like constructive criticism the best, so please help me improve my work!

Seven minutes in heaven ~ Potter styleWhere stories live. Discover now