Number 10

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The button spun again and again, different pairs going in. Then, after two more pairs, the last went in. Into the closet entered... Seamus Finnegan, and Pansy Parkinson *dramatic music plays*

*Pansy's POV*

I was to go in... with a half-blood. An Irish half-blood. Who's accent was kinda cute, but at the same time, annoying. Annoying because it's cuteness was too great. Don't get me wrong I don't like him. But I like his accent. Very much. If Draco had an Irish accent, then he'd be perfect. But we're dating anyway, so it's not like I'd cheat on him with the-boy-who's-accent-is-better-than-Merlin-himself. Dracie would never cheat on me. He says that I'm a thousand times prettier than the flower I'm named after. Okay, so he said that the flower is as pretty as me, but it's close enough. After all, whoever heard of a Malfoy completing someone? I think he might actually love me... well, I know that I love him.

Into the closet we went, and nothing happened at all. Well, I kissed him. It's not because I like him! It's cause when he reacted I'd get to hear the Irishness! People think I'm normal, but this is the dot of thing that actually goes through my mind. When I broke away, I was waiting to hear that beautiful Irish voice, but instead heard silence.
"Aren't you going to react? I, Pansy Parkinson, just kissed you. I just... you're a Gryffindor! I'm a Slytherin! React!"
"Okay then." Said the Irishness. And he kissed me. I responded, before I realised what I was doing. Then I remembered that I never really liked Draco, it was just an act. I know about his feelings for Apple. And despite trying to hide it, I actually liked Seamus.

"So, when did you start liking me?" I asked once we broke apart for air.
"I just sort of realised it when you kissed me. I mean, I've like you for ages, I guess, but I've been trying to push the thought away, 'cause I thought you'd never like me. What about you?"
"I'm to really sure either, it's pretty much the same. I mean, Draco and I were just an act - mad both of us more popular."
"Fair enough. How 'bout we play 20 questions?"
"Sure. You can start."
"What made you attracted to me?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
"The Irishness. Your voice is so Merlin damn adorable."
"I mean, you're hot too, but yeah. Your accent. What's your favourite colour?"
"Green. You?"
"Green too! What's your favourite food?" The rest if the time went in like that, me listening carefully to his answers and voice.

We stepped out of the cupboard when the time ran out! our new found relationship a secret. After we left, the closet disappeared with a "pop" and everyone left, gossiping about everything hat happened tonight, whilst I dreamily thought of that Irish voice.

A/N: weird, short, an update: everything these are supposed to be :) dedicated to @FremioneForever!

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