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Historically, I've never been good at dealing with hangovers. The headaches, the nausea, the regret... I did everything I could to avoid it.

But this hangover would haunt me for the rest of my life. A bright sunburst had woke me up initially, then I noticed the room I was in. Dark and musty, and reeking of ciggies, John's room. I kicked aside the down comforter from my body and hissed at the chilly air.

I was alone, and judging by the lack of chatter in the flat, I was home alone. That's rather temerarious of you, George. You don't think I'll run off? I was only fooling myself. I wouldn't ever dream of it.

Forcing myself to get up, I grunted and carefully tip-toed out of John's mangy room and into George's, and changing into some fresh clothing and fixing myself up for the day. My head throbbed with an almost ironic rhythm, I could match it to the song Anna.

My throat tasted of bitter bile, and the remnants of a sour whiskey. Juliet, why are you so thick? I scolded myself, my hand flying to my forehead to massage my aching temples. There was also an unfriendly pit of nausea in my stomach, which demanded my attention at the very moment, so I made a Hail Mary run to the loo to expel the contents of my stomach.

I laughed at myself cathartically as I ralphed up all of the liquor from last night's syncope, remembering why I don't drink in the first place. I was a dreadful lightweight. It was yet another painful reminder of my betrayal, how I came running to John instead of working it out with George.

George, obviously still angry, or perhaps over it, didn't want to speak to me. Of course that hurt my feelings, but what is a girl to do? I can't kiss him or hold him tight. Even if it felt so right.

I have to return back to 2016, to my life. To where I belonged.

With my mind set, I recovered from my vomiting episode and trifled through the medicine cabinet for a pain killer to sedate my hangover pain for the afternoon.

Going back into John's room in search of anything I might've left on the bed, I uncovered a note in his notorious chicken scratch handwriting. 

Juliet -

Goin ta the studio. You looked like ya needed some fair Z's, so I didn't wake you. give me a ring when you wake up.




I smiled earnestly to myself, the boisterous rock n roller left me a note. Tender thing at heart, John Lennon was.

Was he the one I was meant to be with? Was Kronos right after all?

No. I wasn't going to let Kronos dictate my fate. Now that I had some premonition of what was going to happen, it was my duty to change it. My stomach turned again, signaling that the wrath of my hangover had yet to end, and the consequences of my actions had not been completely felt.


All alone, I found myself utterly lost in the streets of upper Liverpool. The air had become salty and thick with the stench of fish and oil, and I knew I was just brushing up against the docks.

I had came this far to find an antique shop, to find my ring. And so far I had came up empty handed and rather rattled.

With every fading moment, the future, my time, felt so far away from me. When in reality, I've been in 1962 for approximately 3 and a half weeks. Time passed differently to me now, it went by a lot quicker than it did in 2016. Although faster, I enjoyed every moment. Felt every second, lived every minute. Life was no longer some event that I just trudged through with my eyes closed.

I stumbled upon an old antique shop, Miss Lous' Treasures from the New World, and immediately went inside. It smelled of pungent earl grey tea and stale ciggies, a scent of my childhood.

"Excuse me, uh, miss?" A warbling child came up from behind me and tugged on my dress.

I turned around and met eyes with an eerily familiar little girl. Her hair was in neatly braided Dutch plaits and her beautiful chestnut eyes were wide with wonder. She was dressed in a dress that I would think to be rather fancy, especially in this part of Liverpool.

"I'm lost, I can't fin' me mummy." She wailed to me and I fell to my knees with a sympathetic smile.

"Oh it's alright darling, I'll help you find her, sound chipper?" I asked her and the little girl nodded with crystal tears running down her baby cheeks.

I took her child hand into mine and walked with her through the shrouded isles and she called out "mummy" as we peeked through curtains and bookcases. The more we wandered, the more I began to notice the details of the room.

It was a lot larger than I had previously thought, and it had items I hadn't seen in years. My high school field hockey stick, my baby blanket, pictures of me when I was a kid.

Cool spikes of terror stabbed through me, and I looked down at the girl who had stopped crying, and now was smiling at me.

"Did you find her?" I asked the little girl in a trembling voice and she shook her head and giggled.

"Oh no silly, I was only pretending so I could lure you into my Cavern of youth." The little girl cackled and I then put two and two together.

The littler girl was me.

"Oh my god- how can this be? This is impossible." I breathed and the little me laughed into my ear and grew before my eyes into a beautiful woman.

She was matronly like in nature, carrying an air of authority and peace around her.

"I'm Hebe, and I'm here to help you go home."

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