The Patients

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This place isn't as bad as one might think.
I'm sure prison is worse or perhaps the real 'nut house' which is the next building over. People there are in for sick shit like murdering their family because the voices told them too or lighting animals on fire. Absolutely insane. The weird thing is though, people here are actually insane too, just they haven't murdered innocent beings.

"Shannon, I'll fucking kill myself!" the boy sitting next to me shouts.

"Noah, please it is just a tv program."

"I don't want to watch this liberal bullshit! Why can't we watch star trek?" Noah asks.

"Wouldn't you want to watch it, fag?" The skinny red head from earlier shoots out.

Noah's eyes widen.

"Oh please Sadie, we all know you've laid with girls-"

"Shut the fuck up! I'm anorexic, not gay!"

Noah laughs.

"You act like you can't be both" he says, giving her an evil smirk.

Sadie walks over to the green couch that Noah and I are sitting on, fist balled and eyebrows scrunched. She leans down close to his face, gritting her teeth. Noah just smiles.

"You don't know me" Sadie says.

"I know that you-" he puts a finger to her chest. "Might just be gayer than me."

Sadie is pissed. She backs away from his face and starts screaming, pulling her hair and stomping out of the day room, down to the hallway of doors.

Noah sits back, still laughing.

"Wow" I say. Noah turns to me.


I smile. "I've never met a gay person before."

Noah turns to change his position, facing me entirely. He's offended.

"What, are we not what you expected?"

I shake my head fast.

"'No no- I just... I'm very sorry" I say.

Noah smiles again.

"You're fine, don't worry about it."

He turns back continuing to watch the black and white image on the tv. I wasn't really paying attention, especially with what all just happened.


I turn away, meeting a pair of brown eyes only inches away from me. I'll admit he scared me and i'm sure my sudden hitched breathing let him know because he lets out a laugh.

"I want to show you something" Finn says.

I shake my head and turn back around, ignoring his presence.

"Don't be like that. Come on, please."

I continue to ignore him, keeping my eyes locked on the discolored man who's preaching about the wrongs of the draft.

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