The Ice Cream Shop

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"I don't know who's crazier," Finn says, his footsteps heavy in the snow that covers the ground. "Us or the smart ass who thought taking us to get ice cream in a blizzard was a good idea," he continues. Its true, it was stupid but I was just glad to be getting out after the weeks I spent locked up in the ward.

"I think it's nice they're doing something special for Gatens last day," Sadie says. Finn scoffs, looking down as we both notice how Sadie's feet don't sink into the snow.

"Everyone keep up! We don't want anyone left behind," Shannon yells, side by side with Natalia who is speaking to Gaten. I eye the boy who I know good and well shouldn't be let out. That's not my call though.

Finn leans over, his warm breath hitting my cold ear that's becoming raw due to this crisp, icy air. "How much you wanna bet he comes back in the matter of weeks?"

I think about it, though I don't get to answer before Finn is slapped on the shoulder by Noah. "You asshole, be nice. Be happy for him."

"Oh give me a break, fairy. We all know he shouldn't be released," Finn snaps back, shoving his hand into his coat pockets. Everyone silently agrees, this is something that has been discussed. I look down, breaking away from the conversation of the three and watching as the little flakes of white fall towards the ground. Marveling the way that with each step, a crunch occurs beneath my feet.

My thoughts wander, far away to a place that's not this, like they usually did. Only to be brought back when my feet hit concrete.

I look up, seeing the others ahead of me, crossing the street. I run over to where they are, being cautious so I don't slip on the ice and fall on my ass. 

"This way guys, it's just across there," Natalia yells, pointing at a bright red sign with yellow flashing lights. I notice the small town, the decorative red and green ribbons and the sound of children playing in the snow. The old brown buildings and cars with white, snowy casts that drive by.

I cross the street, finally catching up with the rest as Shannon opens the door to the shop that has a sign that reads: Charlie's Frozen treats and more.

The group walks in, the bells on the door jingling as each of us push the heavy door open. We all crowd into the small shop that displays candy canes and christmas cards. I forget everyday how close to the holidays we are, how life is still going on outside the walls of the hospital.

Sadie and Noah walk up to the counter, looking up and down the menu as Finn walks over to flip through some cards that are lined up on a stand.

A young boy with light shaggy hair emerges from a room behind the counter. He wears a smile, slightly toned down by tired eyes and the smell of stale cigarettes.

"I'm Charlie, what can I get for you all today?" he asks cheerfully. Sadie and Noah argue whether or not they want peppermint stick or hot chocolate. I see Finn roll his eyes but then focus on someone else.

I turn around to see Maddie who approaches the counter, carelessly leaning down and grabbing a cherry out of the jar that sits on the glass. I turn back to Finn quickly, he raises an eyebrow and smiles.

"Do you have hot fudge?" Maddie asks, sticking the cherry in her mouth. Charlie smiles another fake smile, not effected by her devious act.

"Yes we do," he replies. "Good because I want that and um," Maddie pauses, bringing the cherry out of her mouth. "Sprinkles, whip cream and-" she pauses again, giving the boy a smile. "Nuts?" he questions.

And with that everyone starts laughing, a laugh that practically screams we're a group of psychopaths. I shake my head, not finding this as amusing as the others are. I feel a hand on my shoulder, tugging me forward as they walk past me. It's Finn, gesturing for me to follow him as he walks towards a booth.

I comply, sitting across from him on the squeaky wooden bench that's covered with dated cushions. He leans against the wooden table, rummaging through his pocket to find a cigarette and one of his secret matches that he possesses. Shannon is too occupied with the other laughing teens and trying to order, so Finn nonchalantly strikes his match and lights his cigarette.

I smile at him, he rosy cheeks that are paired with a splatter of dark freckles. His thin fingers that wrap around the end of the cigarette and get covered by an exhale of smoke. I just sit, staring at him, staring at the smoke, staring behind the smoke and noticing a familiar face.

My heart drops, my stomach turns, and my once found peace is gone. Long gone. He walks through the door, the same bells jingling but sounding not quite the same. He adjusts his scarf, his blonde hair longer than it was before.

I swallow hard, eyeing him and wishing he won't notice. He does, he looks straight at me and stops walking, freezing in place. Finn notices my now scared expression and turns around, seeing Romeo too and raising an eyebrow.

Finn turns back to me, causing me to focus back on him as he speaks, "you know him?" he asks. I nod, "he's my uh- ex boyfriend."

Finn raises an eyebrow, "he got a name?" I nod again, feeling my hands become colder as I say his name. "Romeo."

Finn nods and shifts, scooting out of the booth. I watch, wondering what in the hell he thinks he's doing. He steps onto the floor but only for a second before he moves around to my side of the booth, sliding in and scooting me over.

"What are you-" my words are cut off when I feel his hand on my thigh, running his thumb across the edge. I tense up, trying to figure out what his intentions are. I look up to his face but notice he's not looking at me, he's looking across the shop over at the boy who stares at the two of us coldly.

Romeo sighs, stepping out of the line and walks over to us, looking down as he puts his hands in his pockets. He gets in front of our booth and I see Finn flash a smile.

Things are silent for a second, this being the most awkward situation i've ever been in. Romeo staring at us, trying to find something to say. Finn, hand on my thigh and it creeping up higher and higher as his smile gets wider and wider.

"How's the loony bin Millie?" Romeo asks. His tone is annoyed, also a hint of jealousy comes through.  I swallow hard again, a mixture of things keeping my head swarming and my temperature rising.

"She's doing great. She's really getting better," Finn answers for me. I manage to smile slightly, not showing any teeth and trying my hardest to not show any emotion. Romeo nods, taking his hands out of his pockets and pointing down towards and Finn and I.

"Crazy girl found a crazy boy?" Romeo asks. Finn laughs, taking his hand off of my thigh and bringing it around my waist. "You have no idea," he replies.

Romeo nods again, chewing the inside of his lip before looking down at his feet, turning on his heals to the door. "Bye! Have a nice day!" Finn shouts as Romeo exits fast.

"Man I can see why things didn't work out with him," Finn whispers, leaning towards my face. I laugh, relieved that it's all over. Finn joins and we sit there, two crazies laughing in an ice cream shop, in the middle of a blizzard.


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