The Kiss

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It has been awhile. Countless nurses, Shannon and even a few new faces peak into my room to tell me to stay put. I comply, not leaving my position. Legs tightly crossed, dangling from the edge of my bed with my hands fumbling in my lap.

I hear more screaming, the same female shriek that hasn't stopped since it started. People walk by my closed door, their words muffled by the thick door between the hallway and I. I become inpatient, antsy as I sit absolutely clueless and confused.

More than anything I want Finn to come back. Surely he knows something for he did walk out of the room minutes ago. But he doesn't come back in. So I sit alone, my thoughts climbing and toppling over each other as I go down the list of countless possibilities.

I swallow hard, knowing someone has probably done something. Something is probably wrong with someone and I pray it's not the worst possibility. I pray that I won't have to find out some gruesome story or have to watch a patient be taken to another ward.

Taking me out of my worried thoughts, I hear the door begin to open slowly. I bring my head up, my eyes trailing the wood floor all the way to the white door that inches open. I furrow my eyebrows when I realize who it is, wondering
what she wants from me.

"Sadie?" I question, tilting my head at the girl with the long red hair and sparkling blue eyes. She nods before turning back, looking into the hallway. Sadie walks in, continuing to eye the now silent space before shutting the door quickly.

Her actions still spark questions, my expression not disappearing from my features. Sadie turns to me, her face instantly softening. "Hey Millie," she greets, walking over to my bed to stand in front of me. She looks down at me, towering as she crosses her arms in front of her.

"Wha- what's going on?" I finally ask, not really expecting much of an answer from the girl who makes it quite apparent she doesn't like me. She acts annoyed around me, especially when i'm with Finn.

She shakes her head nervously, "Maddie... she's not doing well," Sadie states. I turn my head in question, becoming even more confused. "What does that mean? Where's Finn?"

Sadie moves her mouth to the side, using her hand to gesture for me to scoot over, giving her room to sit on my small bed. She bends down, taking a seat close next to me.

"Finn and Maddie used to be close. Underline used to be. They haven't been in years, since they were younger. Both of them pretty much grew up here," Sadie informs, her words fast and giving me no opportunity to interrupt.

I look down at my knees, thinly covered by a sheer night shirt. "Oh," I say. As much as I hate to think it, and I know for a fact i'd never admit it out loud; I feel a bit of jealousy. Not in the way some might think, I just thought I was the only one Finn comforted in times of distress.

"Millie," Sadie says, not in a question but to simply get my attention. It does, I look up and meet her crystal clear, blue eyes. She just smiles at first, "he really cares about you."

I smile slightly back, shaking my head. "Okay? And you say that because-"

"Because i'm good at reading body language. And obvious jealous expressions," she remarks. I laugh, looking away and back at the white, detailed door. "I'm really that obvious aren't I?" I say, not wanting or expecting an answer but she gives me one anyways.

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