The Mistake

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[slight trigger warning]


My eyes peer open, my vision blurred by the white light that shines through the windows. The white walls only making everything brighter.

I hear voices; voices filled with irritation as they move closer. People scoffing under their breath's, rapid footsteps approaching.

And in a moment; I lay flat against the hard wood floor, the boy beside me having his arm throw across my back, grasping onto my shirt tightly. And in the next i'm being pulled up forcefully, yanked to my feet as I start getting dragged in the other direction.

My vision starts to focus, turning my head back to see Finn and Maddie also being awaken by strange men dressed in white. People i've never seen before.

Maddie starts to panic as she regains consciousness, immediately hitting one of the men in the face. "Get off of me!" she shouts.

Finn lets them pick him up, giving one of them a sly smile. "What? Did you we break the rules again?" Finn mocks in a high-pitched tone. But it's quickly overtaken by a much deeper voice as a man with ashy hair walks down the hallway.

I get a glimpse at who holds me by the arms, Natalia looking down at me with a long face. When I turn to see who the new arrival is, I now see that we are greeted with the presence of Dr. Modine. Or like he told me to call him: Matthew.

"No but you did break an agreement we had," Matthew speaks up, walking closer towards Finn. He turns around, ushering for Natalia to leave the hallway. I immediately pull away from the small women, not obeying the order that was given.

She grabs my wrist, somehow gathering enough strength to pull me towards her. "Don't do this Millie," she tells me harshly.

"You might think you love him but you don't. You can't love someone who's crazy," she spits out. Her eyebrows are low, her tone sharp and spiteful. I've never seen her like this, usually soft spoken and understanding. Now, the complete opposite.

Natalia holds my wrist tightly, starting to pull me away and forcing me to walk with her. Maddie, who is being walked in the opposite direction, cries into her hands softly, Shannon rubbing her back as the two walk away.

Everyone knows something that I don't. Me, just thinking they're scolding us for falling asleep in the hallway. But i'm wrong.

"We found something in your room, Finn," one of the unfamiliar males tells him. I look back at him as Natalia walks me away, seeing the terror on his face. He knows he did something wrong.

"I'm afraid we'll have too-"

Matthew is cut off by an ear rattling scream. "No! I said not again-" but Finn's cut off when two of the unknown men latch onto his arms tightly. He struggles, fading out of my vision as Natalia pulls me to turn the corner, the scene disappearing behind a wall.


The following events were a blur. More scoldings from Natalia, pills distributed to calm my nerves. Slowly my body relaxes, still not understanding what is going to happen.

All my questions were about Finn.

"What's going to happen to him?"
"Where's he going?"
"What did he do?"

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