First act of summer part 2

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"Now presenting the all famous Lance McClain!" The speaker boomed. Then a rainbow of lights danced on the floor, a spotlight focused on a tall tan boy that stepped out on to the main floor. Keith practically drooled, his mom elbowed him and he pretended like nothing happened.

The boy. Lance. His outfit clashed with his skin, but also blended perfectly. The shimmery white acrobat outfit v.s his dark skin.


The preforming ring lowered enough so Lance could pull himself up onto it. He hoisted himself up starting with a basic ring twirl. He watched as multiple people watched amazed a smirk tugged on his lips. But his eyes spotted a certain boy with very pale skin and black hair. Lance spun, and stopped upside down right in front of the boy. The boy blushed, as Lance smirked. Lance pulled himself back up and did a flip then the splits. He did a few other things then landed in the splits and the crowd roared.

(lol I don't know how to explain it)

Lance smirked as the crowd continued to cheer. His dad then came onto the speaker and announced that, that was the end and that people should check out the gift shop. The crowd started to exit and some people came and asked Lance for autographs he smiled and gave autographs out like candy.


Keith was speechless, and he hated it. He thought Lance was hot and he hated it. He wanted to kiss Lance and he hated it. At the end when everyone was leaving Lance was giving out autographs and Keith's mom urged him to go talk to Lance, get his number even. Keith was one of those people that couldn't let anyone down so he walked up to Lance. Handed him a paper with his number and his name and walked away embarrassed. Lance looked down at the paper and smiled.

~~ 10:50 pm ~~

Lance: hhhheeeeyyyyy!

Keith: hi

Lance: so did you like it? 😏

Keith: like what??

Lance: the show duh!

Lance: was I good? 🙃

Keith: I've seen better

Lance: *gasp* what! 😱

Keith: yep.

Lance: take that back! 😡

Keith: nope

Keith: btw you use emojis way too much

Lance: what-eves Keith

Keith: how do you know my name?

Lance: this is a small town it's not that hard it find out. Also it was on that paper...

Keith: oh right. well...Lance you should get some sleep

Lance: so should you

Lance: goodnight Keef 💤

Keith: that's not happening but goodnight
Yay! Hope you enjoyed plz comment your feed back or your emotions on the chapter. Next chapter already being worked on

Word count: 442

Lil Circus boy ~ Klance AUWhere stories live. Discover now