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^^Keith's outfit^^

Lance: Keef! Guess what day it is?

Keith: Saturday?

Lance: yes, and it's my day off! Are you ready for the best day ever!

Keith: what?

Lance: ya your hanging with me and my friends

Keith: uhhh ok

Lance: we'll pick you up at 1:00. Address?

Keith: give me a second...

Keith: 845 south 270 west Garrison Drive

Lance: dude you live like 2 minutes away from my house

Keith: cool

Lance: see you at 1:00

Keith: yep 👍

Lance: you used an emoji??!! 😱

Keith: yes I did



Keith smiled at the conversation setting his phone on his dresser "what a dork". Keith looked through his closet for something to wear. He made sure his room was clean, he hated his room being messy. But he still had trouble finding something to wear. He debated between two shirts, then 5 pants.

Until finally twenty minutes later he decided on his favorite shirt that reads "Houston had so many problems", black skinny jeans and his favorite leather jacket.

He grabbed his phone off the dresser and ran upstairs.  Quickly putting on black converse, he looked at the clock. "12:56. I didn't take that long" He says giving the clock a confused look.

A loud horn blared outside, Keith said goodbye to his mom and ran out the door to see a dark yellow van. He shrugged and opened the back left door. Sitting in the seat, Lance smiled at him.

"Hiya Keith!!"

"Hi Lance"

Keith's eyes moved to the other person in the car, a big guy with short brown hair in the driver seat. He smiled broadly

"I'm Hunk"


Hunk started to drive down the road turning up another street, Keith watched carefully realizing how much he didn't know his neighborhood

"So uh where are we going?" Keith asked curiously looking at Lance.

"Well first we're going to pick up Pidgeon"


"Well that's just the nickname of her nickname. Her nickname is pidge but I call her pidgeon, and her real name is..."

"Katie." Hunk corrected

"right." Lance said nodding

Hunk stopped at the last house on the street, he honked and out stepped a girl with boy-short choppy hair, thick glasses, and a computer in her hands. She got in the car eying Keith, then she looked at Lance

"I'm guessing this is Keith."


They sped off toward wherever hunk was taking them, Keith sat there nervous, shy but excited.
I liked this chapter
I didn't know how to end it so...
I guess I'm making a part 2
Sorry that it took so long.

Word count: 438

Lil Circus boy ~ Klance AUWhere stories live. Discover now