Breaking family (TW: Small Violence)

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Hi I'm back to break your heart

Get ready for some sad feels

Sorry not sorry

BTW you get thrown in real quick so if its confusing dont worry it'll clear up as the book goes

Shiro (*gasp* plot twist)

The morning had been filled with calls from agents and from work but one call he received ruined his whole morning. More than ruined his morning. It pretty much ruined his whole life.


The one person he loved more than life it's self had "died" almost 3 years before. But now Shiro was getting calls from the police that his "fiancée was alive and in the hospital". The worst of it all was it was the only weekend of the year he would be in his hometown, it was one bad coincidence. Usually he wouldn't wake up Allura at 7:20 am. But today was different, today he needed a ride to the hospital to see his "dead" fiancée. She got dressed quickly and drove him to the hospital.

As much a Shiro did not want to see him, he had to get answers. Allura knew fully well that the love he possessed for her was very different from the one for Adam. Allura was deemed perfect because she wasn't jealous. But it was also her weakness, she could get played easily because of it. She begged and pleaded with the universe that Shiro would still love her as much as he claimed. The drive was silent. But the atmosphere was tense, Allura could sense that the strongest man she had ever known was on the verge of breaking. They parked and went in, the only words exchanged were with the police officer waiting at the front desk for them.

Shiro gripped Allura's hand tensely but softly, Shiro knew this was probably just as hard on her as it was him. They walked down the busy hallway, in one room they saw a little girl hug her hospitalized mother. They arrived at the room; C56. It took 5 whole minutes of deep breaths before Shiro went in, Allura didn't want to see what was bound to unfold. The second he stepped in, Adam's sister; Andrea quietly exited. Giving Shiro a look of compassion, Andrea was Adam's last immediate family member, his dad died in war when he was young, and his mother died a year after he had supposedly died of sorrow.

Shiro let the tears roll down his face as he made eye-contact with Adam, He paused at the end of the bed clenching his fists. He looked down, he couldn't look at him any longer. Adam had new scars on his face, his hair looked like he had cut it himself. He was wearing glasses but they weren't his. He almost didn't look like himself. Adam looked so damaged and that hurt Shiro so much more. Just like the car ride the room was dead silent, a tense sadness-filled silence.

"...Are you really here?"

"Of course I am, Takashi. Why wouldn't I be?"


"What do you mean? I was only gone for a few months, thats not unusual.."

Shiro was hit by a rush of confusion and anger, all of his emotions leaving all at once.

"What?! You were gone for 3 years, Adam! I was told you died! I mourned your loss, I was lost for so long! Now! Now of all times you choose to show up out of nowhere, its now?!...Why?"

He had tried to be calm all this time. He barely even cried in front of Allura about all of this but now here he was yelling and crying.

"What are you talking about Takashi?"

"What I'm I talking about? I should ask what are you talking about!!? I've moved on, I have a girlfriend! And now you're here trying to play the 'I didn't know I was gone for 3 fucking years' card!"

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