Saturday pt 2

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^^their Treehouse ^^

Lance couldn't contain himself. He was so excited to be hanging out with a cute boy. Despite the way he acted he was Bi, he really could flirt with anyone. Sometimes Pidge says he could be Pan because he could flirt with anyone and most likely get a date.

After they picked up Pidge, Lance turned to Hunk and told him that first they obviously needed to go to their treehouse. That's where they have hung out for years.

Hunk agreed and drove them out of the busy town into the country side woods. Lance looked back to see Keith's slightly confused face.

"Uhh where are we going?" Keith asked still slightly confused. Lance smiled, turned to Keith and said "it's a surprise!".

Pidge rolled her eyes glancing over to a confused Keith. "It's not much of a surprise, Lance." She stated. He looked back shushing her and glaring "Pidge! Don't ruin it!".

Pidge laughed lightly at his glare. Lance rolled his eyes and smiled as the car pulled up to the treehouse. Hunk parked the car. Everyone quickly got out of the car. Lance looked over to Keith, smiling to see his awe-filled eyes.

Lance's smile turned into a laugh "Do you like it?" Keith nodded "yeah it's way cool". Lance hesitantly put his hand down next to Keith's wanting to hold it. Lance didn't expect Keith to grab his hand though.

Lance tried to keep his cool as he pulled Keith along to the treehouse ladder. Pidge and Hunk were already up there. Lance looked up to see both of them had a smirk on their faces.

He felt his cheeks getting hot. He tried to ignore the obvious blush he had. Keith started up the ladder first, Lance waited a few seconds then climbed the ladder.

At the top of the treehouse they both sat on some of the pillows that were up there. Pidge looked at Keith speaking up,

"So Keith when did you move into our small plain town?"

"Oh uh on Monday. But I don't think that this town is that plain"

"Why do you think that?"

"Well because this town is all over the news all the time and famous people live here."

She laughed at his words, smiling. She looked over to Lance, then back to Keith.

"So are you two like a thing now?" Pidge asked with a small smirk on her face. Lance felt his face become hot and he shook his head as if she had offended a whole country.

"WHAT! That's crazy! We're just friends!" He yelled defensively. Hunk and Pidge both laughed, Lance looked at Keith to see his face was bright red as well.

Lance quickly changed the subject, and they ended up talking about tons of different life story's or subjects. Lance was really glad he told Keith to come.

Lance could see it in Keith's eyes...

Him having real, genuine fun.
Im so sorry guys for this really slow update. I was just having such a writers block for this chapter.

Again I'm sorry
Don't kill me

Peace out ☮️

Word count: 521

Lil Circus boy ~ Klance AUWhere stories live. Discover now