Breaking Family pt. 2 (angst)

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^A cute picture that has nothing to do with this chapter ^ this chapter is kinda the opposite oops

Thank you all for the positive comments! I am going to continue this book even though Voltron is over. I hope you guys stick around and finish it up with me :)

Edit after watching season 8: Its fine. I'm fine. Its good. *cries*


OK hERE WE GO RIgHT Into the Drama!

Eres una decepción ~ You are a disappointment

Sólo tienes que ir y prepárate ~ Just go get ready


Shiro (and Lance)


In the car, Shiro briefly explained to Allura what was happening. Very briefly. He sped from the hospital back to their small town. He tossed his phone to Allura's lap.
"Quickly ask Lance where he is."

Allura hesitated but clicked open the phone and sent a text,

Shiro's phone
Me: Where are you Lance?!

Lance (son): Shiro? is something wrong? I'm @ Keith's why?

Me: Address?

Lance (son): 845 south 270 west Garrison Drive

Me: It's Allura, and an Emergency. Be ready when we get there.

Lance (son): ...ok


Lance slightly panicked and let Keith read the messages, Keith questioned as well and both boys climbed from the bed and left Keith's room. They went back to the kitchen to see Keith's parents still eating. Kim came over and instantly could tell something was wrong,

"What's wrong?"

"I dunno but Shiro said it was an emergency."

Kim might not have known who Shiro was but she was still an understanding person. She nodded and told both of them to wait in the front room. Lance's anxiety became worse in a matter of minutes, he tapped his foot against the carpet and picked at his hands. His heartbeat was faster and it was all because Allura warned him of an emergency.

What if Shiro was hurt? Or Hunk? Or Pidge? What if something seriously bad happened?

All sorts of thoughts rushed through his head. Keith did his best to comfort him and pushed to reassure him that everything was going to be ok. After what felt like years of panic a loud knock came to the door. Lance moved quickly to open it and let Allura and (thankfully) Shiro in.

He didn't waste a second asking what was wrong, "What's wrong? What's the emergency? Is someone hurt??". Shiro sighed and told Lance to sit down, they sat across from eachother. Lance and Keith on one couch and Allura and Shiro on the other.

The few seconds of silence felt like hours for Lance. He just didn't want anyone to be hurt. Shiro finally spoke up.

"Lance you remember Adam, right?"


"Eres una decepción."

Lance bowed his head sadly, he was late again and the whole show had to be readjusted so he could still preform. But he was use to hearing about how much of a disappointment he was. It was only (technically) partially his fault that he was late, he didn't blame Kim or Keith or even Allura. Sure he was the one to lock himself in his room. But he blamed the person he looked up to most, Shiro.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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