District 11

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There is a blond girl with a magical hair who lives in a kingdom with her husband. She is 18 years old so she can still compete in the 78th Hunger Games. "I don't want to compete in the Hunger Games, Eugene...what if my partner will be..." Rapunzel said. "Don't worry! I will try to volunteer for you. Don't you worry. I will protect you..I promise..and..I will let you win." Eugene said. "No! You can't die! Please don't volunteer.

Please!" Rapunzel said. Eugene walked away and left Rapunzel sadly. Rapunzel had a plan through her mind that she will suggest to her parents that they won't let people to volunteer at the reaping. But her parents where worried about Rapunzel getting picked. Rapunzel said that she will train herself but they said that the reaping will be in 2 days. When she have trained, she still doesn't know how to use a sword but she is an expert in dodging. Her parents will be worried that she will fight by only dodging.

Rapunzel can survive but they are not sure that she will win. She can also easily be killed by arrows and knives experts so they are still worried. "What should we do? She must attend the reaping or else they will kill her." Rapunzel's mother said. Her father said that they don't have any choice but to let them choose who really is the fighter in district 11. While they were talking, Rapunzel is outside thinking about something and talking to Pascal. "What do you think Pascal? Will I win?" Rapunzel asked. Pascal nodded. "I am still worried about Eugene...what if he will volunteer? I wish my parents will agree and never change their mind about letting people volunteering at the Reaping.

Rapunzel came to Eugene and have a little talk with him about the Hunger Games. "So...ummm...how are you now? The reaping is only the other day right? It's just...time is running so fast and..I am so terrified." Rapunzel said. "Don't worry, I said that I will protect you, right? I won't let them hurt you and when the time comes...I will let you kill me so that you can win.."Eugene answered. "I don't care about winning! When I won, will I be happy? No. because you were dead. Please don't volunteer. It's ok if I died around the arena. I don't care about myself, I care for you more so please, try not to volunteer at the games." Rapunzel said as she leaves.

Rapunzel cannot sleep because she was thinking about Eugene. She cannot let Eugene volunteer so she asked one guy to volunteer before Eugene does. "Are you sure you will?" Rapunzel asked. "With my life, princess. I will also protect you." the guy said. Rapunzel left and sleeps again in her bed and wait until the moment comes. She won't volunteer but if she was chosen to fight, she will accept it with all her heart just for Eugene. "Ok...just relax...he will volunteer and Eugene will be ok.." Rapunzel said. At the next day, she started to train herself so that she can also defend herself. "Wait! Why am I training myself? I will not win the Hunger Games, I shouldn't be training myself at this point because I don't need to win." Rapunzel said. "

What are you doing? Training yourself? You want I'll teach you, incase that.." Eugene asked. "No...I don't even need to train myself anymore...I will not win either." Rapunzel said. "You will, just trust me,ok?" Eugene asked. "No...I told you that you don't need to ok...I'm fine." Rapunzel said.

"You will be fine..." Rapunzel added. Eugene was curios about Rapunzel. He knew that she really cares for him. But he had no choice. The Reaping is only in one day. He knew that Rapunzel's training was not enough for her to win at the arena. He had a brilliant idea and Rapunzel would not worry. He asked many girls to volunteer but they all rejected his request about volunteering. He is very worried about the girls who will not volunteer at the reaping."I'm sorry..."Eugene said.

"Ok, No more training! I will let myself die at the games...no...I will train so I can protect my partner..no..Eugene! I am so stressed now, what will I do? I don't know what is happening anymore..." Rapunzel said. Her parents cannot also sleep because Rapunzel was worried. Maybe she will volunteer herself just to protect Eugene. But she is having second thoughts about winning for the pride of the District 11. She will hope that someone will protect her but she knew that someone will be a threat to her because she is a princess and she cannot fight at the Hunger Games. She needs to be alive for her parents. She doesn't want them to worry about her but she thinks that she will not volunteer at the Hunger Games neither Eugene.

"Maybe I just needed a few skills right now, I think I have something stuck in my mom's treasure box! I think it is a manual about the soldier's skills. I can still use that in case that I will be at the Hunger Games. She went downstairs and grabbed the treasure box and finally saw the manual about fighting.

No one catches her because she was hiding in the attic. She red about the skills in fighting. She is kinda smart so she understands the manual. She was so relief but sleepy and still a little worried. "Ok, starting next day, I will try to remember this skills. I don't think they have these weapons at the Hunger Games. Well, who will knew, maybe I can still be one of the winners. There are 24 of us. Maybe I am one of the four. Hmph. Guess I can still show them, huh?" Rapunzel said to herself. She slept with her cameleon Pascal.

"Good night, Pascal. I wish that I will win at the Games. Do you think I have a chance?" Rapunzel asked. Pascal noded and seemed like to agree with her.

She had a good sleep but she is still worried about Eugene but she took someone with her and wishes to be her partner at the Hunger Games. Finally, the whole kingdom is quiet and sleep. Eugene was still outside and can't sleep. He walked through the pond and try to think something about Rapunzel.




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