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  "Welcome, Districts! Happy Hunger Games!" Santa shouted. All the crowd cheer for their favourites. Astrid was looking at Rapunzel's eyes thinking that she would kill Rapunzel first. "We will kill that blond girl first, right Hiccup?" Astrid asked. "Well...I don't think we should kill anybody, can we just focus on self-defense and survival?" Hiccup answered. "You are such a coward, Hiccup,tsk!" Astrid said. "I am not a coward, I am just trying to say what our mentor said, focus on survival, because if you kill too much people, they will also kill you," Hiccup said. "Grow up," Astrid asnwered. Rapunzel knew that Astrid has an intention of killing her first at he arena but she was not terrified at Astrid. "Don't worry, your highness, I will protect you, and I will make sure that you will be one of the winners in the Hunger Games," Henry promised. "You don't need to, I can protect myself, I am brave enough," Rapunzel said.

"Ok, guys, you guys will need some costumes for your parade. Make sure that they will like you, ok?" Phoebus said to Merida and Leo. "They like tributes with big hearts like me," Merida said. As Leo looks at Gaston, he noticed that Gaston was straightly looking at Merida. "Well, well, well, maybe someone will get killed first at the arena, right?" Gaston asked. "You are damn right, Gaston, I will take her out her out first with my climbing abilities," Tiger Lily answered. 

"Farren, you feeling great?" Jack asked. "No, Jack, isn't that Hercules, he is a demigod, how are we going to defeat him? His partner is also good in spears, isn't that a long range attack? And..and the district 4, they look very arrogant," Farren said. "Pull yourself together, ok? We will win and we will make it out here alive, I promise," Jack answered. "Wow, this place just got more interesting, a lot of young adults are interested to fight," Vidia said. "I will go to the fairies first!" Captain Hook said. "Wow, Brian and Berry, they are very good I heard, these two, we need to watch out for them," Henry said. 

Everyone has gathered in the dressing room and get dressed for their entrance at the stadium. "Wow, nice dress, your highness," Henry said. "They are made of gold and royalty," Mr. Roger said. "They are pure gold, but kinda heavy but it is ok, I am a little comfortable," Rapunzel answered. "So..umm this is the modern clothes, huh?" Hiccup asked. "Yes, you are absolutely right," Pete said. Astrid was still looking at Rapunzel smiling.

"I love this! Thank you, Phoebus, this is like a dress of a real traditional fighter!" Merida said. "Well, these designs are from the Amazon designers, it is great for the both of you," Phoebus answered.

"Jack, I am kinda freezing," Farren said. "Don't worry, this is an elemental suit," Jack said. "What is an elemental suit?" Farren asked. "That is a suit where it changes its element, later it will be fire and water and nature! Everyone loves that!" Triton said. "Ok, Merida, once you will be in that parade, make sure you will shoot in long range, you will shoot that balloon up there, are you sure you can shoot it in 1,000 feet high? It is a big break if you didn't shoot it," Phoebus asked. "Piece of cake, I will show them," Merida answered proudly.

Everyone had gathered in the entrance for their parade. The speech started with Bunny and then when he was finished every tributes will show their magnificent costumes. "The tributes of this year's Hunger Games!" Bunny shouted. Everyone was excited and they were applauding for their favourites. "Look at these, wow! They are astounding! Look at District 3! They are in modern today, huh? They look so perfect to be the tributes," the speaker said. "See? What did I tell ya, Hiccup? They will love us, don't worry, I still got your back," Astrid said. "Yeah...I know( I am so worried about her, she looks very arrogant and that could be her big problem, I will make sure that we will stay alive.)" Hiccup said while thinking.

"What is that? Can you see that?" the other speaker asked. "Wow, district 5! Will you look at that clothes! It is changing its element." the speaker said as everyone screamed at District 5. "Well, I guess everyone will also pay attention to them,whoa!! Their clothes changed into fire! They are on fire!" the speaker shouted. "This is fun, Jack," Farren said. Jack smiled at her. As they see the last two districts they were very excited. "Rapunzel, will you do the honor of raising our hands together?" Henry asked. "With pleasure!" Rapunzel answered.

"Will you also look at District 11? They are also proud and having their teamwork in order to win this year's Hunger Games," the speaker said. "You are right, they have might become one of the winners," the other speaker said. Last but not the least, district 12, Merida and Leo. As Merida sees the balloon in the air, she brings out her bow.

"What is she going to do now?" the speaker said. Merida shoots one arrow and everyone looked up in the air and saw...the balloon pops out with confetti! "Whoaa!!! That was terrific! 1,000 feet? Will you believe her, she could kill someone at long distance places!" the speaker said. "Wow! The tributes should be scared at this young girl, who can shoot into a very long distance! It was shot at the balloon straight to its face! Well, people, that is all of our districts!" the speaker said. As they come to Santa, he also had a speech about the tributes of the Hunger Games.

"Welcome, tributes! We are so glad that you will represent the pride of your district! Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favour!" Santa said. Everyone applauded at the tributes and they make their way to the dressing room again to get changed for tommorrow's training and evaluation. The four districts were getting ready and making sure that they will survive at the Hunger Games.



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