Reaping at the First Two Districts

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Santa and his fellow guardians came at district 3 at last. Astrid and the others were about to get ready for volunteering at the reaping. "Ummm...Santa, can I ask you something?" Jack asked. "Sure, anything." Santa answered. "Why do you call the tributes victors? They are not winners yet. They are still only tributes." Jack asked. "We call them victors because they are already winners even if they die. They represent their own district and theirselves, so that is why we call them victors. I wish you can be a victor, a real one." Santa answered. "Where are we headed?" Jack asked. "We are going to district 3! Berk," Santa answered. Slowly Santa pulled down the reindeers and came to District 3 at last. 

"Ok everyone, get ready. We just need a blood for dna." Tooth Fairy said. Every of the people gathered and give their blood and their names. Hiccup was very nervous. He is having second thoughts about volunteering and not. "Are you ready? This is our time to shine!" Astrid said. Hiccup thinks Astrid is a little arrogant about winning and he is worried about her because she might kill violently tributes. Hiccup can only slow enemies down but he is not sure if he can fight and kill them. He just slows them. "Don't say you are still afraid. We are already here and you know what? This is our chance." Astrid said. "You know what? You could die in that arena, I saw one of the tributes, but I am just wondering? Santa said young tributes, but why do I see some adults in one of the tributes, like Gaston, Prince Phillip, and the others?" Hiccup asked. "Don't you know Hiccup? This is not the old-fashioned hunger games. This is a great battle between ages and we are going to win." Astrid said.

"Ok,citizens, please gather and we will pick one boy and one girl to fight for the district 3." Santa said. Before they pick tributes, they showed a video about the Hunger Games and everyone was terrified. "Ok, girls first." Tooth Fairy said. "I volunteer as tribute!" Astrid shouted. "Wow, what is your name? Come here in front." Tooth Fairy requested. "My name is Astrid and I will volunteer for district 3." Astrid said. "Ok, we have a volunteer, please proceed here in front," Santa said. "Now..ughh...for the boys," Bunny said. As Bunny picks a boy Astrid was looking at Hiccup whispering his name. Hiccup was sweating and he was afraid. "Ok..."Bunny said as he picks up a name. "Hiccup!" Snotlout said. Hiccup was going to say something but Bunny has already said a name. "Ok!" Bunny said. Astrid was very angry at Hiccup. "Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III" Bunny said. "What?!" Hiccup said. "Come here in front please," Santa said. Hiccup could not believe he was still picked even if he doesn't volunteer.  "That was close, Hiccup. You just got lucky," Astrid said. "I am not lucky, and I don't even want to be here in the Hunger Games," Hiccup said. "You are going to regret that," Astrid answered.

"Here are our two tributes from District 3 and may the odds be ever in your favour!" Santa said. Everyone had a sign that means "Goodbye district" but Astrid was not very worried about dying in the arena but Hiccup was very worried about himself also for Astrid. The two tributes headed into the train and are about to meet their mentors. Astrid was excited. "You are excited to kill people?!" Hiccup asked. "No, I am just excited to win," Astrid answered. "Ok, where is our mentor?" Hiccup asked. "I am here, everyone, my name is Pete" Pete introduced himself to Hiccup and Astrid. "Oh, you must be our mentor." Astrid said. "Where do we start?" Hiccup asked. "Whoaa, don't rush, kid. You two must enjoy first before I train the both of you," Pete answered.

"Ok, where are we heading next?" Bunny asked. "District 11, a kingdom." Santa said. One man announced that Santa and the others were coming to pick tributes and everyone gathered again. "Okay people, we are going to pick one boy and one girl, before we pick the tributes, we will show you some video about the Hunger Games." Santa said. After they showed the video again, they started to pick a girl. Rapunzel's parents were very worried and terrified about their own daughter. But they don't have a choice, they also need to accept everything. "Ok," Tooth Fairy said as she picks a paper and said...."Rapunzel." Tooth Fairy said. All people gasped when they heard about Rapunzel. Flynn was shocked. "Ok, for the boys..." Bunny said. "I volunteer as tribute!" a man said. They looked at him and it was not Flynn. Rapunzel was in great shock but in great relief. "My name is Henry(an invent character) and I volunteer as tribute for District 11." Henry said. Flynn cannot volunteer because someone has already volunteered. "Rapunzel! Noooo!!!" Flynn shouted as the scouts are taking him away. "Sorry,pal you got nothing to do but watch her win or die," a scout said. 

"Well, here are the tributes of District 11 and may the odds be ever in your favour!" Santa said. Rapunzel was sad but happy for Flynn. "Thank you, did you volunteer for Flynn?" Rapunzel asked. "No, your highness, I volunteered for myself and I heard there will be four winners in the Hunger Games and I swear in my whole life I will protect you so that you will be safely home with your family and people and for Flynn," Henry said. The two tributes went to the train to meet their mentor. "Hello, I guess you two are the tributes of District 11, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Roger Rabbit and I will be your mentor in this year's Hunger Games. Well, before we start let's eat and freshen up," Roger said. "Are you a good mentor?" Henry asked. "You asking me? Well, of course, haven't you heard about those winners last 2 or 3 years? District 11 won and I was the mentor of them. I have been a mentor for 5 years and I will be replaced by either you two or the last winners of District 11, well, there goes my retire of being a mentor," Roger said.

"You must be a good one, Mr. Roger. You see I was happy because my husband was not able to fight at the Hunger Games but I am pretty worried about myself. I only know how to doge very well," Rapunzel said. "Well, you can survive, my dear. Dodging is one of the most important skill in fighting, if you don't know how to dodge, they will kill you, so congrats dear!" Roger answered. "Thank you but I also needed some training." Rapunzel said. "We can work with that," Roger said. Coming back to District 3, they were also talking about their strategy in the Hunger Games. "Ok, in 3 weeks, 20 of you will be dead, ok? So week by week they will evaluate your skills and give you guys some trainings and scores, not only you guys need that but you guys also need sponsors! You have to make them like you, just act naturally guys and if you guys have big scores, you guys will have sponsors." Pete said.

"What about in the arena, Mr.Pete? What are we going to do once the game will start?" Hiccup said. "First, you guys will have to wait in 60 seconds and DO NOT go away from the platform yet because you will be blowed up sky high! Astrid, if you can dodge, you can get weapons. Hiccup, in your condition, I heard that your a little coward, well no offense but these is what I am going to tell you, do not grab a weapon because there will be a great bloodbath in the arena, so after Astrid gets a weapon, you can come with her to hide in the forest, if there are some people who are making allies, do not build a fire at night because all of them will take you down. But if you two have some allies, you can build a fire but there are many of you who can fight and protect yourselves." Pete said.

They are already waiting to be in the place where the arena and the sponsors live. Can everyone handle it while they are in that arena?



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