The Good and Evil Advices

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The tributes went to their mentors to recieve some advices about the things to do while in the arena. King Triton didn't felt bad about Jack having an ally from District 12, in fact the mentor from District 12 is one of his closest friends when they were in the Hunger Games before. Jack was about to hear his advice from Triton but Farren doesn't want to go with him. Jack went to Farren to ask something why she doesn't want to get some good advices from their mentor. "Are you ok, Farren? Is there something wrong about his advices?" Jack asked. Farren didn't answered Jack's question. "Maybe you don't like his advices, we can suggest---!"Jack said until Farren finally talked. "No, it's not that I don't want. I just don't want to disappoint our mentor, does he thinks that I look weak?" Farren asked Jack while looking sad on her face. "What kind of question is that? Of course no!" Jack answered.

Farren didn't believe Jack because she still thinks that more tributes is a threat to her, well almost all of them. They both became quiet after their conversation. They have finally came to King Triton's room. "Haha! There you are, my fellow tributes. I have some good advices that will help you for sure!" Triton said. Jack went in looking tired and sad. Farren doesn't want to listen to her mentor's advice because she thinks that it will be a great total waste in her life because she will still die in the arena. Jack always tries to encourage his partner and hoping that there will be a great way to make Farren not hopeless.

"So..are you guys ready for my great advice? I am sure this will possibly help you because almost all of the tributes from district 5 wins because of my advice. I hope this will be the anothet time where we will win again, aye?" Triton said. Farren asked Triton, "Aren't you old? Should you be resting..I think you had enough victories in your life." Triton brings his arm to Farren's shoulder, "My dear, it is great to have much more victories." Farren smiled a bit where Jack also smiled because he felt Farren's hope. "Ok..let's start.....

"First things first, you guys will be needing an ally, but you must choose very carefully. Choose a person with a kind heart, brave soul, and great warrior. The only thing that I can say to you guys is "have hope" and don't be scared. You both will win or die with hope. You should not remove of being hope and do not be so hopless, you two can do everything. Stick the rules that you heard in your head and stick your hopes in your heart." Triton said. "But..its not that I am hopless...I just don't want to disappoint you,sir.."Farren said. "Win or Die, doesn't matter, I will be disappointed if you die without honor and hope but try not to die. I know you can do everything.."Triton said. I have only three advices. One, choose the right person..Two, don't lose hop and Three, die with honor..and don't be afraid." Triton said.

"Thank you so much..." Jack said. "Don't thank me..just thank me if you win..I kinda like it that way.."Triton answered. "We should be going now...thanks.."Jack said as both of them left happily.

Meanwhile at Pete's...

"The strategy only i the arena is do not be scared and kill whoever gets on your side, even if it is your allies or friends, the important is, the two of you will survive, and the lucky two will also survive, if they can. For survival, try to have an ally with Gaston, and the other strong competitors, that is the chance so that both can win at the arena." Pete said. Hiccup stands as he speaks to add a question, "Wait, Mr.Pete, isn't Gaston arrogant? I mean, we shouldn't be with him and his other allies. I can't stick around with them and I am good at me being with Astrid," Hiccup said. "Come on Hiccup, don't be such a baby and try to listen. You know what you need to do if you want to be with them? Be arrogant like them," Astrid said. Pete laughed and told Astrid that she was right. "I'm sorry..I am good at being alone now. I can survive on my own." Hiccup said as he leaves. "Fine! Try surviving without me and I know that you can't survive out there! Please continue rapMr.Pete..." Astrid said.

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