District 3

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      There was a viking who had a dragon and who knows many things about dragons. His name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. He fights with his dragon Toothless and with his friends. He looks like a coward in his age but he is very brave. He decided to volunteer with Astrid at the Reaping because he wanted to win and also he wanted Astrid to win but it cannot happen because there is only one victor at the game. He is having two thoughts. Astrid is also a little arrogant and vicious and she really wants to win so bad. Hiccup wants to volunteer to show himself that he is a brave viking and to prove himself to his dad because he promised his dad that he would volunteer at the Hunger Games because he knows that he is a strong victor. 

When Astrid is training outside, Hiccup came to her. "Astrid...ummm..." Hiccup said. "What is it? You want to train with me? I'm good at this right? Throwing axes and using swords. Its fun right?" Astrid asked. "To kill people?" Hiccup asked. "No. To defend yourself, right?" Astrid asked. "Its like killing people, too." Hiccup said. "Well, your stupid. You want to volunteer and you are not going to kill people at the arena? That is what Hunger Games are for. You need to kill people to win. Just grow up and try to train something so you won't be a coward to kill people. You promised your father."  Astrid said as she leaves. "Arghh!!! I am so stupid! Why did I decided to volunteer if I can't kill people. I need to go to my dad." Hiccup said.

When Hiccup was looking for his father, he is tired because he cannot find his father anywhere. He asked one of the village people. "Hey! Have you seen my father?" Hiccup asked. "No. Wait! Here is a letter from your father." the village people said.  He red the letter and it said,


"Dear Hiccup, I am going out for a little while because there has been a problem in the Cavern with the dragons. Please do not come because we can handle it ourselves. All I wanted for you to do is to do that promise that you made for me. You forced me to allow you to volunteer so..ok but it is your choice. I know that you are brave, Hiccup. You can defeat them and I know you can win the Hunger Games. Do not let me down because I know that you will volunteer and you promised me. So, I wish for you the best, my dear son, your mother will be proud of you. Thank you for being straight and brave, son. Dad."

Hiccup was too late to tell his father that he cannot join the Hunger Games because he could not kill any people.Hiccup thinks about not attending at the Reaping but he would be killed if they saw him and they might kill Toothless.

"What am I going to do? I know how to fight but I can't kill people. If only I can find a solution for this. Maybe I will ask someone to dress like me! No......arrghhh!!! What am I going to do Toothless?" Hiccup asked Toothless but Toothless was just staring at Hiccup. "Ok...no need to panic. " Hiccup said to himself. "Hey! Are you a coward? Why won't you let me volunteer, fraidy cat? Why are you so nervous? Because you don't know how to fight? Hahaha." Snotlout said.

"No! I know how to fight but I just don't want to kill people. They might die easily. And what are you doing here?" Hiccup said. "Now you are just showing off. You are not really that good in killing. I will give a little tip for you, young man. Face your fear!!" Snotlout said. "Fear of what? Not killing people is not fear?" Hiccup asked. "No! That is also a fear? Think about what is Hunger Games for ok? First, you will by KILLING PEOPLE. Second, you will survive by KILLING PEOPLE. Third, you really need to KILL PEOPLE." Snotlout said. "Look, I just wanted to stay who I am. Like, I wanted to stay good." Hiccup said. "Well, that is not my problem now. You promised your father and you better be there." Snotlout said.

Hiccup stayed in the forest because he cannot sleep. He thinks that he was stupid but he thinks about something. He made puppets that will act as people. He practiced but he cannot kill the puppets. "Come on! Just think them as puppets only...moving puppets...." Hiccup said. And at last! He threw one sword to one puppet but it only hit the legs.

"Ughh...he will not be killed easily in the leg..but I can slow him down. Maybe I am only good at slowing enemies down. I do fight but I cannot do it without Toothless. Its illegal to bring a dragon in the arena because it will be cheating." Hiccup said. He told Toothless to take care of himself while he is in the arena. He also wrote a letter for his father incase that he will die in the arena.

And he was ready for the Reaping and for the Hunger Games. "Wow, you all ready, huh?" Astrid said. "Yeah...I am ready.." Hiccup answered. They trained and try to practice for all day long. Astrid was pretty good and Hiccup was taking a little too slow in fighting. "Hiccup, you cannot fight slow, ok? You might get killed easily you know?" Astrid said.

"Who saids I am slow? I can be fast and I am thinking, maybe I can be a teacher at the training room in the Hunger Games," Hiccup said. Astrid laughed at him and said, "Really, Hiccup? No one will ever need your teaching skills and maybe they can get killed easily and you think that they will get some advices from you, dude, we have mentors. MENTORS! They are our trainers, they will give some good advices and good training skills. Believe me, no one will ever want to take some advices from you, Hiccup. If you dreamed to be a mentor, you first need to win the Hunger Games. Let's just continue training, Hiccup." Astrid said.

So then, they continued training and Hiccup felt bad for what Astrid said. He is worried about Snotlout volunteering first at the Hunger Games, he might get first but he will not let him. Hiccup promised his father that he will try to win at the Hunger Games even if he really don't want to fight. He made a stupid decision and promised his father that he will volunteer at the Hunger Games. He just don't want to disappoint his father at the Hunger Games but he has no choice but to compete at the Hunger Games. He loves his father and he will try to win the Hunger Games.

"I will win for you,father. I will not let you down...I am going to miss you, Toothless, just wish me luck at the Hunger Games. Maybe this is the last time we hang out, you are one of the best dragon that I have. Don't be afraid, ok? That will take care of you when I am gone.." Hiccup said. Toothless was looking sad at Hiccup hugged his own dragon and wept. 



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