The First Picks( A short introduction of the tributes)

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"Ok, let's start right here. These are the first people who are in the games already. We have district 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. We cannot go to the other districts because they are kinda far but I think these heroes will be a strong victor. Ok, district 1, ah! Prince Philip." Santa said. "I heard that he was a great swordsman. He saved a princess from an evil witch called Malificent. Is he kinda arrogant?" Bunny asked. "Well, kinda. He really wants to win so bad in the game." Tooth Fairy said. "The girl from district 1, is Kida Nedakh." Santa said.

"Wow, I think I know her. She is not really good but I think she can survive in such places." Bunny said and Sandman nodded. "Let's move on to district 2. Hahaha! This is it! Hercules. Strong man. No one could defeat him. Except he is human. But if he died he can still go back to heaven." Santa added. "And his partner is Mera(invent character). She is good with spears, yet slow in dodging." Bunny said.

"District 4...hmmm...there it is! Gaston. Oh no! They better be careful with this man. He is anxious and arrogant. I think he might be in the finals. The tributes from district 6 are brother and sister, wow! Brian and Berry, they are both very arrogant," "The girl is Tiger Lily. Great climber." Santa said. "District 7. Captain Hook. I thought he was defeated by Peter Pan! Hahaha. The girl is umm...Vidia. She is a fairy but she can also use swords. And wow! She is very good. She is kinda good. She really wants to win badly!" Santa said.

"District 8. "Herbert Lee(invent character). Ok he is good in only survival skills also. The girl is Roxanne. Good in hiding, and using bow. District 9. Robin Hood. Expert in hunting and using bow and arrows. He is once a thief?" Santa said. "He is always a thief." Bunny said. "The girl is named Kairi. She is a traveler and an adventurer. Then the last place that we have been today..district 10! John Rolfe. A handsome man and a brave man. He is good in range and hunting. The girl is named Calla. A good warrior and a quiet and shy warrior." Santa said

"Is that all?" Tooth Fairy asked. "Yes, that is all." Santa said. "Hey, why are you still not going to the other districts?" Jack asked. "Well, we could not really locate it but we will come later. It is just piece of cake." Santa said. "Can I join?" Jack asked. "Yes! You can! I forgot to tell you about that. Congrats! You can volunteer!" Santa shouted. "Really? Oh my god! Wohhoooo!!!" Jack said while he is flying around the room.

"Don't get too excited. The leader has a condition. He will agree but you have to win or else something will happen to us. We will be executed if you lose. Same as what will happen to you if you lose, Jack Frost." Bunny said. "I...I am fine. I can do it! I know that I can win. I will win it for you, guys. I won't let you down." Jack said as he sees Bunny walking away. "Don't worry, Jack. We will be okay. Just believe in yourself." Tooth Fairy said.

"Ughhh....what am I going to do.." Jack said.



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