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  "Well, I think that is all. We just have to go to the rest of the districts that we have not got yet." Santa said. "Wait! Stop!" the leader said. "What is it? You wanna come with us?" Bunny asked. "No! I have an important announcement. Meet me in the meeting room," the leader said. "Well, ok. Let's go." Santa said. "But..what about the rest of the districts?" Tooth Fairy asked. "This is just quick. It won't take an hour." the leader said. Then they followed the leader to the meeting room. The leader has something very important to tell them but he thinks that it could shock them and cause Jack Frost to break down.

"What?! You mean he cannot join?" Santa shouted while asking. "I am just nervous. We are the sposnsors and Jack Frost is one of the sponsors. The other sponsors think that we are cheating because Jack Frost is a sponsor. I am nervous because if Jack does not win, the gamers will decide to take out all of us! But, if he wins, nothing will happen to all of us. Are you sure that he will win? Only one will take out the crown." the leader said. "Well...I have an idea! We can make two winners in the Hunger Games. We are the sponsors, right? We can make that happen." Bunny suggested.

"But we need to talk to the gamers about this. They first needed to agree in that rule but rules are rules! Only one can win the game. We are not sure if they will agree with us and even if we have two winners Jack can still never win." the leader said. "What about four? Isn't that enough for you, everyone?!"  one leader of the gamer said. "Four? Well, I think that is a better one." the leader said. "Now! I will agree to have four winners, that is enough for Jack Frost to win! You should thank us that he can still win. But if he still loses, I will execute all of you!" the lead gamer said. "We won't let you down, sir" Santa said.

They were so relief when they found out that four of the tributes can win. Santa and his other fellow guardians announced this to every district. Everyone was so excited and there is going to be an ally of all districts. "Four?! Wow! I can really win this time." Hiccup said. "Me, too. I can win with you." Astrid said. "Mom, there are four winners. This is just amazing, right?" Merida asked. "(crying) Yes! It is very good...wahhaa..I am still worried." Elanor said. "I hope my partner and I will win. I could use some allies in here. I am going to make sure that I will pick the right allies. Someone who I can trust." Merida said. "I will just go out for a while." Merida said.

Merida was in the forest so she can feel some fresh air. Suddenly, she hit somebody while she was walking. "Aw!" Merida said. "Sorry, mam." the hooded guy said. Merida was very suspicious on the guy with the hood. "Who are you?" Merida asked. " can see me?" the hooded guy asked. "Yes, I am not blind, mister. Just show your face." Merida said. "It is me, Jack Frost." Jack said. "You are one of the sponsors!" Merida said. "But how can you see me?" Jack asked. "Well, I used to belive in you. By the way, I am Merida Dunbroch from district 12 and I am going to be the next victor in the Hunger Games!" Merida said. 

"You wish.." Jack said. "What did you said? I heard you!" Merida shouted. "How can you win if you are not going to defeat me?" Jack asked. "You cannot join, you are a sponsor!" Merida said. "But I am not good at fighting." Jack said. "Well, in that case. We can fight together." Merida said. "We can't. There is only one who will win." Jack answered. "You, dummy! Didn't you just heard? You are a sponsor and you don't know? Four of us can win and it can be one of us." Merida said. "I did not know that. Sorry. Sure, we can be allies but I can't use my powers.." Jack said. "You have powers? Whoa!" Merida said. "Yeah, I am a guardian and my powers are snow and ice know..just something cold, I guess." Jack said. "Can you show me?" Merida asked.

Jack showed Merida his powers and Merida was astounded by Jack's greatness and she knew that Jack Frost was real. She decided to have an ally with Jack Frost and with her partner, if she can trust him. "I got to go now, so nice meeting you!" Merida asked as she left. "Bye! Wish you luck..." Jack said. He sat on a rock and thinks about what weapon he can use against other tributes. "How am I going to win this?! I don't know what to use, and I don't know which weapon I am comfortable with. Man, what am I going to do?" Jack asked himself. Suddenly, he saw a wisp. He has never seen a wisp but he followed it. It led him to the center of the forest.

"Wow..." Jack said as he sees a weapon. He saw a sword lying on a rock. He looks closely at that sword and saw those details around it and it looks so very magical and strong. He holds it and there was glowing thing that happend to the sword. He was so amazed and he decided to bring the sword home and decided to add it on the weapon storage in the arena. "What have you got there, Jack Frost?" Santa asked. "I got this sword! I can use it against the other tributes." Jack said. "You can use it but there is one tiny bit of problem." Santa said.

"Well, what is it?" Jack asked. "You can use that sword. But you can use it when it in your hands. You cannot have weapons in the first fight. You have to get it but it is kinda hard." Santa said. "You will be killed in there if you try to grab that weapon. You can't take that easily, Jack." Tooth Fairy said.

"What? I...never mind. But I have an ally. She can help me but she is only the one who is going to be my ally." Jack said. "She is not enough. The two of you can be killed in there. Especially with some other tributes that are very good. She cannot protect you not even herself. Trust me, Jack. I will add this but you will get it in the arena when the time comes." Bunny said. "Ok...I guess I just need to slow down a little. I will train harder and even if the reaping is tommorrow, I will train myself. I know that I can win and you guys inspired me. Good night." Jack said.

"Is he flippin crazy?" Bunny asked. "Nope. He is very crazy. Crazy in a good way." Santa said. Merida told her mother that she will have an ally in the arena. Her mother was happy for her but she must have trust to her ally. Hiccup was also worried about Astrid going to the arena because she is a little arrogant. Rapunzel has no where else to find a guy who will volunteer for Flynn. She has no choice. "I'm so sorry.." Rapunzel said.




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