District 5

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"Ok, Jack! Are you ready to lead and be a sponsor in the upcoming Hunger Games?" Santa asked. "Actually....I am not sure yet..I really wanted to do something else." Jack said. "Well, what is it? You wanted to be a mentor then so be it," Santa said. "No...it's not that I wanted." Jack said. "Then, what is it?" Santa asked. "I....I.." Jack said. "You what? Come on. Speak it out loud." Santa said. "I wanted to join the Hunger Games." Jack answered. "What?! That is crazy, Jack! Are you out of your mind?" Bunny said. "I am going to be ok? And I am from district 5. I will volunteer if I wanted to." Jack said. "But, they cannot see you. You are a guardian." Bunny said. "You are also a guardian, ok?" Jack said. "But everyone believes in me. Children, parents, and victors in every district." Bunny said. "Wait! I have an idea. We have to make the dome guardian proof. So that they can see Jack, right Santa?" Tooth Fairy asked.

"Hmmmm....that is right! But, Jack has ice powers, is that cheating?" Santa asked. "I know! We will train Jack. He can learn. The reaping will be in two days but he is also a fast learner." Tooth Fairy said. "Well, then. When shall we start training?" Jack asked. "Today. Got any problems?" Bunny asked. "No, today is perfect! I am so excited. I got goose bumps! Haha!." Jack said as he flies. "Wait!" Santa said. "What is it?" Jack asked. "We are not sure if you can join. You are sponsor and sponsors cannot fight, right? They only choose their favourite victor and help them." Santa said. "But...what am I going to do? Who is even going to represent district 5? District 5 might have a winner." Jack said. "Ok...we will train you but if the leaders have decided, you have to accept it." Santa said. "All right, then. Let's go! What are you guys waiting for? You have to train me. I am ready." Jack said.

Later at the training camp........

"Ok, Jack. You know what this is? This is a sword. You cannot use your powers when you are in the arena because they will take you out. First, you have to know how to survive." Santa said. "I am a guardian. I can survive." Jack said. "You cannot survive heat, Jack. That almost kills every victor so you have to look for a place with water. That will keep you cold for a while. And remember, the weapons are not ordinary. We designed weapons that can also kill a guardian, well mostly all of them so that you cannot be said as cheater. So, the second thing you need to know is to how to fight. Here hold this sword." Santa said. "Whoa...it is kinda heavy. I used to old sticks but not swords." Jack said. "Now, strike!" Santa said. "Whoa!" Jack shouted as he falls down. "Well, we should work on that. "The third thing you have to learn is how to dodge. That is very important and also a defensive skill. Try to avoid.." Santa said. "SWORDS?!!!!" Jack asked. "No! Snowballs. Think of them as bombs or swords that will kill you. Ok, here is one!" Santa said as he throws one. "Whoa! Ha! I dodge that. "Jack said. "Very good. Now try to avoid swords." Santa said. He strikes at Jack and Jack nearly dodged all the strikes of Santa's sword. "Well, done. But we need to work on that sword thing." Santa said.

"Ok, Jack. You see the targets in there? Think of them as persons." Bunny said. "Of course I can see them, what am I, blind or something?" Jack asked. "Arghh....Hmph! Ok, now try to throw a knife in their body. Just watch me. Hiyah!" Bunny said as she throws a knife and hits the target in the head. "Eww..." Jack said. "What do you mean, ew?" Bunny asked. "Well, its that it is so gross to throw knives in the head because brains might fall over and if you throw it in the heart, it is like, intestine and yuck! Can I just throw at the arms of feet?" Jack asked. "Then you are stupid. They can't die easily when you throw knives in their arms of in their feet." Bunny said.

"Shall we try?" Jack said as he almost puts a knife in Bunny's feet. "Whoa!!! Easy there, ok? Not me." Bunny said. "You are just a coward." Jack said. "Just throw the knife!" Bunny said. Jack throws a knife and it didn't hit the target. "Aw! So close!" Jack said. "Close? Then why is that knife in Santa's house?" Bunny asked. "Hey!! Be careful!" Santa said. "Oops! Sorry, Santa. I am never going to win. What am I going to do. I am the only one who doesn't know how to fight." Jack said. "Hang in there, Jack. You will win soon enough." Tooth Fairy said.

Later, Jack and the four guardians are about to sleep. "What should I do to win? I tried today but it didn't even worked out. Well, that is today and there is still two more days to go and I know that I will win that game! I wish they could decide properly.." Jack said as he sleeps. Later at the meeting room. "We cannot let a sponsor to fight, you know the rules!" the leader said. "But, it is Jack Frost and you have to give him another chance. He really wants to fight badly." Santa said. "But rules are rules! He cannot fight and I know he will die." the leader said. "He can't. He will win." Tooth Fairy said. "Please, just give me this chance. I am begging you." Santa said. "Alright, but there is one condition. He have to win! He have to win the Hunger Games or else..something will happen to the four of you." the leader said.

"Can he win, Santa?" Bunny asked. "Of course! He is brave enough to fight." Santa answered. "Well, he better be, let's go Sandy." Bunny said. "I am counting on you....Jack Frost.." Santa said. "Don't you worry Santa. I won't let you down this time. I will show that I can win the Hunger Games that will bring pride to district five." Jack said. "But, what if you don't win the game? Something will happen to the four of us. I am not worried about what is going to happen to me but also to my other fellow guardians. You better win but I am very proud of you and I hope that you would not let me down. Not just me but all of us. I wish that I could train you but...I can't but the rest of our fellow guardians except me can train you." Santa said.

"I know what am I doing. I promise that I won't use my powers. And even if I don't have my powers, I can still win. But...I am not that confident." Jack said. "Inside, I know that you are ready but not confident. You have a spirit in there, young man. But do not be arrogant like the other tributes. Arrogance can be a real problem." Santa said as he left.

"It is time to win this game. I WON"T LET ALL OF YOU DOWN!!" Jack shouted




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