The Agreements

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First we will go back to District 11. Rapunzel decided to let a man volunteer for Flynn. The only thing that she doesn't know is that the man ran away and got to the other districts so that he can escape Rapunzel's help because he was afraid that he was going to die in the arena. Rapunzel kept looking for the man but she could not find him. She asked her parents but they also didn't know where the man got away. Rapunzel is having second choices. The reaping is in 10 hours and she has no plan yet in her mind. She asked as many men as she can but she really could not find a perfect man to fight for Flynn. There is still hope for Flynn because he already told a woman to fight for Rapunzel but the only problem is that woman cannot really decide whether to volunteer or not. She wants to talk to Eugene so he followed her.

"Why are you even doing this? I am not ready for this." the girl said. "But it is the only chance that I can save her." Flynn answered. "You can save her....but...can you save me? You are putting me in a danger zone. A still have a family. I will agree if they picked my name but I will not agree if I will volunteer just for the sake of your wife, Rapunzel." the girl answered.

"But she is the princess, you have to follow orders especially to the husband of the princess. That is law." Flynn said. "What are you talking about? There was never been orders. We are all the same in this situation right now. It is not only a one kingdom here. It isHunger Games. The queen and king have no right to change the orders in the games. Anyone can be chosen. Whether they are only villagers, kings, or queens, or princesses. We cannot have any law. The king and queen is not the leaders or even the sponsors in the game. Santa and the other guardians are the leader right now. The queen and king cannot change everything. They will die if they do not follow the orders. They have to accept if Rapunzel was chosen. It is her destiny and you know what? If you don't believe that she is going to win, then I believe her." the girl said as she left.

Flynn thought that the woman was right. He cannot blame her and he cannot ask many women to fight just for the safety of Rapunzel. But he has a strong faith in himself. He said to himself that Rapunzel will not fight the Hunger Games and he believes in that word. He is still hoping that Rapunzel will not be chosen to fight in the arena. So he stopped asking many women and he accepted the woman's rejection. He knew that she was right all the time. But he cannot let his love die in the arena. But there are some choices that has to be made in their situation.

Going back to District 12, Merida was ready to fight. Suddenly, her mother came to her and said "Do not do this, Merida! I am begging you." Elanor said. "But mom, you already said that you will let me fight. What else can I do right now? The Reaping is less an hour right now and I will be alright mom. I already defeated some monsters. And also mom, I will use steel arrows and not wooden. I killed bears right?" Merida asked.

"That is not what I am worry about. What if you'd win? You will be gone forever from all of us. You will forget us and..and you can also die again if all of you winners fight again. I do not want you to be like that. You know...always fighting and killing everyone!" Elanor said. "Mom, of course I will still be with you and you know what mom, I can still survive if I have some allies. Don't you worry mom. I will be alright. I will come home, safe and sound." Merida answered.

Her father was so proud of his daughter that she will volunteer to bring pride to district 12. "Guys! I just recieved a letter." Merida sad. Merida red the letter to everyone and it said "Hello, my dear young victors, tommorrow will be a grand day for one of you, district 12. We will come here at 3:00 o'clock in the evening and we will decide who will be the one boy and one girl to represent district 12. The ages are starting at 12-35 years old. We will accept volunteers. Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favour, Santa." Merida was so excited but she has not found her partner yet. Her father suggested to choose Macintosh's son to volunteer but Merida said tha he was not good at using ranged weapons. She is having some two persons to fight and become her partner but she will know it when the reaping happens.

Back to District 3, Hiccup is getting ready for the Hunger Games. He was thinking about what happend to Santa and the guardians. They never came into their district because they were choosing the near districts. He was also relief because he knew that they will not yet come to pick two victors to fight in the arena. "Are you nervous Hiccup? I think you were that happy when they did not came here." Astrid said. "No! I am prepared but they did not came here." Hiccup answered. "I know that inside, you are still a little scared but it is ok. I will protect you. Don't you worry. Maybe there is some point that both of us will win the Hunger Games. Good luck, Hiccup. I hope that you can also win." Astrid said as she left.

In District 5, Jack was very impressive in his training. But they are not sure if Jack was going to fight because he is a sponsor in the Hunger Games. If he joins, he has to win but if he joins and loses, the guardians will be in a big trouble. He promised everyone that he will win the Hunger Games so that Santa and the others would not be punished by the leader. Santa has got some guardian proof in the arena so that anyone can see Jack Frost. The only thing he is worried about is that Jack cannot use his powers against the other tributes.



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