No Choice

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Everyone woke up early in the morning to prepare for their next acitivities with their mentors before training. There is only one person who is not waking up because of the anger inside him and felt that he shouldn't show himself to his own mentor because of what happend at the advicing. He was a little bit jealous at the other tributes because they might have great advices from their mentors. He was sleeping quietly and someone wakes him. "Hey! Wake up. What are you doing, Hiccup? Don't you know today is our second time with our mentors? They will teach us how to have sponsors," Astrid said.

"I don't care," Hiccup answered. Astrid slapped his face and Hiccup was looking much angry and said, "So what? I don't need any advice from him. He always say this, kill! kill! kill! He is not saying about survival. Well, I have an advice for myself, and that is courage. I will have courage by not killing all of them," Hiccup said. Astrid laughed at him like she was thinking that his partner was a total maniac of what he said about having courage. "How would you have courage? You can't even kill, and you are speaking about having courage?" Astrid asked. Hiccup stood up from his bed and looked straight into Astrid's eyes and said, "I can have my own courage and that is not killing people. It is by trying to survive alone. I may not have the guts to kill people but I have the guts having respect for them..." Hiccup said.t

"What are you trying to say? If we let them survive, we will die! We will not win, remember of what your father said, Hiccup. I am warning you," Astrid said. "I changed my mind, I don't want to win. I want to win by not killing people and I want to win with a humble and great mentor and...I want to win with a partner who will not be arrogant...about winning. I'm sorry..." Hiccup said as he walks away from his partner's face. Astrid got much more angry about Hiccup. She still thinks that he is stupid enough to survive alone in the arena.

Astrid had no choice but to listen to her mentor. Meanwhile at the garden, Jack went inside and saw a red-haired girl using her bow and arrow to practice. "Isn't that illegal?" Jack asked. "No, it's not,"Merida answered. Jack threw a snow ball in the sharpest point of her arrow and Merida got annoyed by him. "What are you doing? I am trying to practice!" Merida said. "It is clearly unfair for all of us tributes. You are practicing and we are not. So, what is exactly you want to prove that I am possibly wrong?" Jack asked. Merida didn't answer his question and keeps shooting arrows at the target which she brought from her bag so that she could practice alone.

"Well, then. If you will practice, so I will, too," Jack said. He started throwing knives at the target which is also blocking Merida's attack. "Look, I have no choice, I have to do this right," Merida said. "As I can see you had done it a thousand times. See at the arrows in the target. There are like, 30 arrows stuck and it almost covered all the red target. What are you worried about?" Jack said. Merida sighed and answered that she needs to train more because she was nervous about the upcoming training. She doesn't want to make them think that she is just a weak competitor. 

"Seriously? They will be afraid of you, ya know that? Since that time in that parade, when you shot that balloon in a long distance? I am sure they will be afraid of you because in the arena, even if you are far away from them, you can shoot them right into the head. You are also a serious competitor, you know. They will be afraid because they might call you the silent killer or something. They will not know wherever you are, trust me," Jack said as he smiles.

"Ok fine, I will stop training so that it would be fair, ok? Happy?" Merida asked. "Not really, because you did something illegal," Jack said. Merida punched his arms and left. "See ya," Merida said. Jack saw something that fell from Merida, and it looks like it was pressable. He pressed it and it was a silver arrow. He pressed it again and it turned back into its original form. "Wow, that was clearly hers..I should return it back later," Jack said as he left the garden.


Hiccup was walking alone by himself and decided not to attend the meeting with the mentor later. He saw a girl with a braided hair and went to her. He seems so suprised because when he saw this girl from the first day, she was looking scared, and sad. He saw her sitting on a bench, smiling like she has no problems at all. He went her to join her in the bench. He looked at her and she smiled back at him.

"Hey, I know you. You are the girl with a magical hair. How are you doing? You sure you are ok? Your hair has been braided since day 1," Hiccup said. She laughed and said, "I am fine, it's kinda comfortable for me. My mentor told me something yesterday, that is why you looked pretty shocked when you saw me being happy. Well, I am pretty excited about the training," Rapunzel said. "For me, you don't fit in fighting but I guess you can prove me wrong. I already left my mentor and..."Hiccup said. Rapunzel looked him in the eyes and said, "You left your mentor? Why?" Rapunzel asked.

"Because he is evil. All he can teach is kill everyone. He doesn't know about survival, only killing and killing!" Hiccup said. "Maybe that is what he knows. Some of his tributes won right?" Rapunzel asked. "I remembered it and it was only once. The other districts won already like a lot of times that ours. I also have a partner named Astrid and she was very arrogant," Hiccup said.

Rapunzel was shocked about what he said because she almost forgot that he was Astrid's parnter. "What about you? Are you?" Rapunzel asked. "Actually, I am not, and never will be. I am not like her but I have no choice but to join with her know. But I had an ally already and he was a sponsor, do you want to join with us?" Hiccup asked. "I wanted to but I am worried about Henry, maybe he would not let me.." Rapunzel answered. "Then, let him join with us. What do you say? Jack is to be trusted, I promise," Hiccup said. Rapunzel gave him a nod.

"Thank you for talking with me and joining our ally. Hope you will be ok," Hiccup said. Rapunzel smiled and waved at him. Hiccup had the perfect timing, he met Jack again and ran to him and said, "One of the tributes are also joining us, is that ok?" Hiccup asked. "Oh,who is it?" Jack asked. "From district 11, Rapunzel," Hiccup said. "Really? Oh my...gosh! Thank you, we need her because she had a mastery of dodging right? We can use her as distraction and we will kill the one who is attacking her while she is dodging, but we need to make sure she is alive and she will also win," Jack said.

"You are welcome," Hiccup said. "Well, we are complete, I just need to have at least, another four allies and it is completed. Thank you," Jack said. "Yeah, in fact..I needed some people because I am all alone now..I decided to mentor myself," Hiccup said. Jack asked,"Why?" Hiccup didn't want to speak about that but he said it to Jack. "He is not a good mentor, and all that he just said to me is about killing and having no respect for everyone. I mean, how do I supposed to get some sponsors?" Hiccup said.

"If I was a sponsor, then I will pick you," Jack said. Hiccup thanked him and asked him about helping him and teaching him some survival skills so that he can survive at the arena. Jack agreed with him and he will wait until the training. Maybe it will not be easy for Jack to get some sponsors because he was already a sponsor and the other sponsors might hate him and doesn't help him at the arena. Jack has no choice but to try surviving by himself and all his other allies even if he really needs to have a sponsor. Hiccup thanked and left Jack at the hallway. Jack went to his mentor to get some advice on how to get sponsors and he was happy because he had at least another four members to join with him.

How could he possibly had no sponsors? He made four persons like him. He is kind and brave and especially, he does not lose hope. Hiccup might be own his own but someday, he will show all of them that he can stand with his new friends. Rapunzel learned how to be happy and joined Jack and the others. Merida knew that she was a serious competitor and she was to be afraid of because of her bravery that her mentor told her.



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