I quickly run to my room and go through my drawers for a blue shirt. Calum followed me home and pestered me the whole way, driving me completely insane. I'm hoping the dogs will make him happy, at least for a while.

I quickly toss the shirt on and I open the door, handing his hoodie back to him. He takes it and looks up at me. "Ready now?" He asks and I huff.

"I freaking guess, hurry up." I say and I walk down the stairs. He stomps behind me like a toddler, but I guess I'm acting the same.

At the shelter, I walk inside and I smile at the guy behind the desk. "His name is Leo, he always gives me the most well behaved puppers." I say as we walk over. Calum barely glances at him, keeping his eyes on me.

"Hey, Emmy, ready for today? You get a new recruit for your crew today." He says and walks back to get them. Calum looks up at him this time with a confused face.

"Emmy? Ew.'' Calum asks and makes a face. "He is, like, two-hundred years older than you. You look like a baby compared to him." He says and I snort.

"He is twenty-two years old, calm down.'' I say and rolls my eyes.

''Uhuh, sure." He says and crosses his arms. Leo walks back with the four I usually have, plus the new dog. The new dog is an old looking guy, big, with grey and white fur and droopy eyes and he walks slow.

"This is Max." Leo says. I take two leashes for each hand and I can feel the excitement buzzing off Calum beside me, even though he doesn't say anything. "Take care of Emily, Max." Leo says and winks at me, walking back to his spot. Calum gives him a dirty look and I frown at him, smacking his arm to get his attention.

As we walk down the street to the dog park, Calum takes two leashes and he smiles brightly at the two mutts in front of him. "You do this every Tuesday? Can I come every time?" He asks hopefully and I shrug.

"I don't see why not." I say.

As we enter the park, I let the two big dogs, plus Max, off their leashes. They prance around, glad to have free time to play. "Okay, you have to watch Dixie. He likes to pee on the children for some odd reason." I say, petting the blue heeler on the head. Calum nods and lets his off. He sits down and they all crowd around him. He smiles and plays with them all equally, clearly enjoying himself. I sit off to the side with Max, who is too lazy to join them. I run my fingers through his fur and he lays his head in my lap.

"You know, you're not that bad." Calum says, without looking up. "I mean. You're not all that great, but you're okay." He says and I scoff.

"Was that a compliment? I can't tell." I ask him and he looks up and narrows his eyes.

"I do not compliment others, but for you, I guess I could make an exception." He says. I lean back on my hands and I look around, not saying a word back. I don't know what to say, but I smile at him.

"Hi." I hear and I look over, seeing a guy sitting beside me, he smiles at me. "I notice you every week and I wanted to say hello." He says and Calum looks to at him with a raised eyebrow, clearly going to say something but I pray he doesn't say anything rude.

"Uh, hello." I say and smile back. "I'm Emily."

"Connor." He says. "I was wondering if I could get your number, maybe?' He says and before I can say anything, Calum speaks, as predicted.

"No, she has a boyfriend." Calum says and I quickly look over at him. "So, if I were you, I'd skidaddle away before you get your ass kicked." He says with a straight face and the guy nods, standing and leaving.

I look at him and I pick up a rock from the grass, tossing at him. "Ow," He says as it bounces harmlessly off his chest. "What?"

"You're such an ass! I absolutely do not have a boyfriend and that guy was cute!" I exclaim.

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