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Stand in the bathroom and I groan. "Calum!" I yell and he tries to open the bathroom door. "Wait, is my mom still here?" I ask him.

"No, she just left." He says and I let my head hit the wall. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asks through the door.

"N-nothing, uh... I need your help with something super important." I say quickly. I started my period and I don't have anything I need. There is no way I wanted to ask him to get them. That would be embarrassing for us both, but unfortunately I had no choice.

"I'm opening the door." He says.

"It's locked," I say and then it opens and he stands there. I gasp I feel my face then red and I cross my arms. "You scared me." He picked the lock. he stands with his hands on his hips, his eyes wandering around before the land on the thing I need.

"What's wrong?" He asks me and he looks at the empty tampon box on the counter. "Oh, shit." He says. "Do you need those?" He asks me and I nod, blushing a bright red.


"I'll just have Ashton do it, he does it all the time. Can you get my phone?"

I stand in front of her and she looks so upset. I can't buy tampons but what the hell am I going to do? let some other guy do my job for me? Hell no. "I can get them for you." I say anyway and she looks even worse.

"Are you sure?" She asks in a small voice.

"Yeah, of course. I'm a man, baby, I can buy tampons." I take a good look at the box and I walk out of the room and I shut the door.

Then I sprint down the stairs and out the front door and run until I reach my house. "Mom!" I yell and she quickly walks out of the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" She asks in worried tone.

"I need your help, it's an emergency. Emily is on her period." She rolls her eyes and sighs.

"That's it?" She asks.

"I have to buy tampons. I can't so that, I need you to go with me." I say quickly.

"What? Scared someone will think they are for you?'' She asks and chuckles and I scowl.

"No." I say quickly. I cross my arms and she laughs harder.

"She is your girlfriend. Doing stuff like this gets you extra points. Just do it, it won't hurt." She says and chuckles.

"But... but... Okay." I mumble. "What if-" She cuts me off by smacking me with a rag she had in her hand.

"Calum, things like this can't wait, you should hurry. Go on." She says with an amused grin and I groan.

At the store I set the box down and I have triple checked to make sure it's the same. I even made her send me a picture, the exact name, and a box description. Ashton is the checkout guy and he smiles. "Oh, man, you have no idea what kind of trip this will be. But, this might at least get you extra niceness, though. She is always a huge baby." He says and I sigh. The talk of it wasn't helping me anyway. But, like I said, I'm a man. I can do this.

"This is so weird, I've never had to do this before," I say and he nods. "I had so many plans and things and was gonna do and then she ruined it all." I grumble.

"At least it's you this time. I had to do it before, because she got so nervous about it."

"Why?" I ask.

"I was there when she started and her mom wasn't, so usually I'm the one she calls. But now you're here. Oh, you're gonna need candy and strawberry Fanta." He says it like it's top secret and I'm being sent on a mission. I technically was, but this is a mission I did not want

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