Chapter 4

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Levy's POV

Lucy keeps trying to comfort me, not knowing what she did wrong. She didn't do anything wrong, not really.

"Are you okay Levy? I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry!"

I look up at Lucy. "N-no, it's not your fault. I just ... thought of something sad. Sorry, I got to go, but I'll come back tomorrow, okay?

Lucy looks guilty. "Okay, Levy. I'll see you tomorrow. And I'm kind of tired, so I'm going to sleep; say hi to everyone for me."

"Okay." I stand up and put a hand on her shoulder. I smile, even though tear tracks are clear on my face. "It's not your fault, Lu-chan."

I turn and walk to the door. Lucy waves. "Bye."

"Bye, Lu." I leave and shut the door behind me. "Um, Lucy's tired, so she's going to sleep now, but she says hi."

People nod their heads in understanding.

"Hey, what happened?" I look up to see Gajeel. I run into his chest, wrapping my arms around him. "S-shrimp?" I can tell he's surprised. I am too. My body just... moved on it's own.

"S-sorry, Gajeel! I just..."

"Deep breaths, Levy, deep breaths," Erza says. "What happened?"

I sniffle and take a deep breath.


"Ok, Juvia doesn't know about any of you, but she didn't get any of that," Juvia says.

"Uh, Juvia-san is right. I didn't understand that," Wendy adds.

"Levy, tell us... slowly." Gray emphasizes slowly.

I take another deep breath. "Lucy remembers all of us, but she doesn't remember Natsu." I hear gasps and I see Juvia and Wendy cover their mouths with their hands in shock. "So that's probably why he's sad. And now I'm kind of sad because I can't even imagine what Natsu's feeling."

I unwrap myself from the warmth of Gajeel and I immediately miss it, but I back up and I move next to him. He intertwines his hand with mine. I feel my face heat up and I desperately try to fight it, even thought I know it's useless.
I mentally smack myself. Stay focused, Levy!

"Gray..." I say.

"Yeah, I know." He smiles sadly.

"Gray-san, try your best," Wendy adds.

"Yeah. Got it." Gray waves and walks away, hands in his pockets.

Gray's POV

Lucy doesn't remember Natsu.

They were always so close, as if they'd known each other their whole lives. But now... everything's changed.
Everyone liked Lucy as soon as they met her. She's funny, kind, and cares for her her spirits and friends. She acts like she can't fight, but we all know she's powerful. And not to mention, she's pretty.

But not as pretty as Juvia.

Wait! What am I thinking?!

"Stop it, Gray." I tell myself. "But Juvia is really cute," I mumble. My eyes widen. Did I really just say that out loud?
I feel a blush creep up my face.

Not. Helping.

You're supposed to try to cheer flamebrain up, but here you are, blushing over Juvia like an idiot.

"I still can't really believe Lucy doesn't remember him," I say out loud. I know how it feels to have someone you love almost die.

Wait, what?! Love? I don't love Juvia...

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