Chapter 13

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Lucy's POV

I can't believe this. "You're... my aunt?!"

"I just said that." Reina says, looking at me like I'm an idiot. Her mouth forms a thin line. "I'm your aunt. And a long time ago, your mother abandoned me."

"She would never do that. You're lying!"

Reina glares hatefully at me, sending shivers down my spine. "If only I was, my dear niece."

"What do you want with me?"

"Your magic, of course. I'm sure you know this by now."

"Well, yes b-"
Reina interrupts me. "I'm going to force the dormant magic to surface. I'm going to pull it out of your body and put it into mine. Basically, I'm taking your magic."

"I keep telling you, I don't have any other magic!" I plead with her desperately, somehow knowing I wont like what will happen if they continue with this. Reina chuckles quietly. Eventually, her small chuckle grows louder until she's laughing insanely. I eye her cautiously. Suddenly, she stops laughing and everything is silent.

"Rose," She says calmly.


"You know what to do."

"Yes, Ma'am." Rose takes a confident step toward me, short hair slightly swaying. All of the sudden, she raises her leg, and lands a swift kick to my head. Then everything goes black.

I blink, slowly gaining consciousness. I look around and see that I'm not in my cell anymore. I'm in a completely different room. The white walls are bare, and the grey tiled floor is clean. I try to sit up, but I realize I can't. I've been chained down to a metal table. I look to the side and see Rose and my au-Reina. I will not call that woman my aunt. She's completely insane.

"Rose," Reina states simply, implying something I don't understand.

"Of course," She replies as she gracefully raises one arm all the way up, then the other. Her hands turn inward so they're facing each other and a glowing orb of crackling lightning appears in between her fair-skinned palms. "O storm of light, grant me your power," Rose chants. My eyes widen and arms start to shake in fear. I fight against my bonds, but I know it's futile. It's solid metal. "Striking from the great sky above..." I continue to pull at my chains as an evil grin works its way onto the pinkette's face. "Light of Heaven!" Rose yells and lightning strikes from the glowing orb. The moment it hits my body, it sends a powerful jolt through my entire body. I scream in agony, struggling desperately against the metal clamped around my wrists and ankles. Eventually the shock ends, but the pain remains. I take deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I need to be prepared for what's to come, but I can't help but be overwhelmed by fear as Rose walks closer to me. Her hips sway as she keeps smiling, her eyes full of malice.

It reminds me of a lion preparing to pounce on an injured lamb.

The pink-haired girl suddenly stops and lifts her right leg straight up. She brings it down, hard, on my stomach, right on top of one of my bruises. My head jerks forward. I turn my head to the side and I cough up blood on the metal table.

"That's enough for now," Reina says. "You may go now." I take a shaky breath of relief as Rose bows and leaves the room. "Lucy, darling. Why do you resist?" Reina walks up to me and leans down to my ear. "If you just gave me your magic, this could all be over," She whispers sweetly. I take a sharp intake of breath. It would sound so tempting if I knew how to give my magic to her.

Which I don't. So that makes this a little easier. But not really.

"I already told you before," I say, trying to act like I'm not in pain. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Suddenly, the sweet act disappears and Reina's mouth hardens into a thin line. "If you won't give it to me..." She says, closing her eyes and raising her arms out in front of her. "I'LL HAVE TO TAKE IT BY FORCE!" She yells, opening her eyes fiery with anger. Reina hovers her hands over my body and they start to glow a faint green.

I feel like something is being sucked out of me, like my very soul is being taken from me.

"No," I gasp. Suddenly, my breath is knocked out of me. It's like Reina's trying even harder now. She grits her teeth and her hands glow brighter. Pain shoots through me. I scream, an inhuman sound. Agony laces every part of my body; I writhe and scream until my throat becomes raw.

All of the sudden, I'm surrounded by darkness. Everything is black and I am alone. Then, I see a light out of the corner of my eye. I turn to see a tiny floating ball of light. It is no bigger than my palm and it illuminates the darkness with its soft blue color. Slowly, I walk toward it and hold my hands out. It hovers over my palms. Being near it is calming.
I know without a doubt that this... is my magic. Not Celestial magic, not any of the Star Dresses. This is my magic.
I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

What would happen if Reina got ahold of my magic? She definitely wouldn't use it for the good of Fiore. What would happen to all those innocent people? And all the guilds? And Fairy Tail? Erza, Gray, Juvia, Wendy, Levy... everyone.
And what about Natsu? He's always been there for me. My eyes widen. That's right. Natsu always saves me. He'll save me again. I have faith. But until then... I can't give in to Reina. I open my eyes and I'm back in the room. I glare at Reina and she blinks in surprise, her mouth slightly open.

"Why can't I take your magic?!"

"That's because it's my magic."

She clenches her fist. "YOU BRAT!" She yells frustratedly, her brown eyes full of hatred.

Reina's POV

"Reina," Lucy says. "I still don't believe my mother abandoned you. She was a loving and respectable woman. My mother was the type of person who baked cookies for you just because. She was the type of person who did anything for you when you were sick. She was the type of person who made time for you even if she was busy and tired."

"People change." I say coldly.

"True," She acknowledges. "But my mother was a kind woman. She was almost never angry. Was she always upset? Was she always angry? Was she always cruel? No. She wasn't perfect, not by a long shot. She was still human; she still made mistakes. She still got angry and upset. But was she like that all the time? No."

"She aban-"

Lucy interrupts me. "Before that."

I open my mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. She's right. Layla was rarely angry or upset.

I narrow my eyes. "That still doesn't change the fact that she abandoned me."

"But she didn't!"

"She did!" I pull out a dagger from a sheath on my leg. "And since I can't have your magic, you'll just have to die!" I raise it over Lucy body and aim for her heart. "Goodbye, Lucy Heartfilia!" I drive my dagger down.

And then everything explodes.

I'm thrown against the wall. I push myself up and look to see four people standing in the rubble of the outside wall. The entire wall was reduced to rubble and dust. One woman is made of water, while the other woman holds a spear. One man doesn't have a shirt on and is holding a sword made of ice; the other man is surrounded in flames. They all seem different, but they're all furious. And they all have the Fairy Tail guild mark on them.

"I take it you aren't going to peacefully surrender?" The scarlet-haired woman asks me, although it sounds more like a statement.

I stand up, brushing dust and small bits of rubble off my clothes. "Of course not."

"Well then," The shirtless one says. "I guess we'll have to fight."

"You hurt Lucy-san," The water-woman says. The pinkette takes a step closer. He glares at me with anger-filled eyes and, for the first time in years, fear courses through my body.


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