Chapter 14

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Natsu's POV

I glare at the master of the Black Rose guild with all the anger and hate I feel for her. No one touches my Lucy and gets away with it. Flames surround my fists and I prepare to fight Reina. But right before I run toward Lucys kidnapper, I notice a certain blonde in the corner of my vision. Then I remember the whole reason we came here. To rescue Lucy. Don't get me wrong, I will defeat the master of Black Rose. But first, I need to get Lucy to safety. We all run over and kneel down next to her. I look at her bruised and bloody body. My blood boils. Just what did they to to her?

"N-Natsu?" Lucy whispers weakly.

"Yeah, Luce. It's me, Natsu." She blinks and her eyes roll back, then forward again. Lucy tries to focus on me, but she's practically unconscious. "It's me. I'm right here." I reach out and gently grab her hand. She smiles.

"You're... You're here," She croaks out.

"Yeah, Luce. I came; I'm here," I say. Lucy's eyes start to roll back and I gently squeeze her hand. "Lucy, no. No, you need to stay awake, okay?" I start to panic. "Okay? Stay awake."

"You know... a couple days ago... the day of our date... I had a couple dreams."

"That's great. Tell me about them. Stay awake, Lucy."

"Well... in the first one, I was in Hargeon. There was a guy--only a shadow, really--sitting on the ground... and I felt grateful to him. I-I don't really know why, but... I did. So I told him 'thank you' and held my hand out to him and told him my name."

Huh? That sounds... really familiar. Wait--isn't that how Lucy and I met?

"F-For the second dream..." You could tell she was struggling to speak properly, but I had this feeling that this was important. "I was standing in the middle of a street, and there was rubble and debris everywhere. And, for some reason, I was... crying. And the same boy from before was there too. I f-felt this need to touch him; to know that he was real... so I ran over... to him... and I hugged him from behind. H-he asked me what was wrong. I told him it was nothing. A-And then... I told him 'thank you'. I don't... even know why."

Those weren't just dreams. They were memories of us. Then Lucy's eyes started rolling back into her head again.

"Luce? No, stay awake, Lucy. Stay awake!" Lucy's eyes focus on mine and she squints at me.

"You know, Natsu... you look a lot like... the boy from my dream..." I wrap my arm around her, then put my other hand ontop of her head. I pull her to me and plant a kiss on her forehead. "I knew... you would come," She whispers, smiling.

Lucy's eyes roll back into her head; she's unconscious. Gently, I lay Lucy down on the ground. I stand up and look over at the blonde master of Black Rose. Flames surround my fists as I prepare to launch myself at her. But before I can even lift a foot off the ground, I hear a sound. People are coming.

Erza, Juvia, Gray, and I turn around to see roughly five hundred mages from Black Rose running toward us from the forest. Where did they come from?!

"Tch," Gray says. "I guess you'll have to fight her alone, Natsu.

Erza steps toward the enemies. "We'll take care of this."

Juvia nods, agreeing. Then, they start running toward the enemy mages. The problem being taken care of, I turn towards the master of this guild.

"Why did you kidnap Lucy?" I ask her. She doesn't answer; she only smiles mischievously. She sort of resembles Lucy... "Who are you?" The blonde smirks, but this time, she answers.

"My name is Reina Wolfhart," She says, brown eyes watching me. "I'm Lucy Heartfilia's aunt."

WHAT?! She's Lucy's aunt? That's impossible! "Lucy never said she had an aunt."

"She didn't know until today," Reina replies simply.

"But if you're Lucy's aunt, then why did you kidnap and torture her?"

"Oh please. I don't care what happens to her. I just needed her for her magic, but apparently, I can't take it." Reina shrugs. "So I figured I might as well just kill her."

"But she's your family! And probably the last of your family that's still alive!"

Reina glares hatefully at me. "What is family in the grand scheme of things? And apparently my sister thought that too."

"I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't care. Nothing you say will change the fact that you hurt Lucy. And nothing will save you from me." I launch myself toward Reina. I swing my leg up. "Fire Dragon's Claw!" But Reina sees my attack and ducks. She takes a step to the left and lands a blow to my gut, throwing me outside onto the ground. I stand up and yell: "Fire Dragon's Roar!" I aim my attack and release flames from my mouth. It goes directly towards Reina, engulfing her in flames and smoke.

"That was pretty good." The smoke clears, and I see...

A wall of dirt?!

Then, the wall sinks into the ground and Reina starts walking toward me, completely unharmed. How...??

"But not good enough," The blonde says. "Earth Make: Swords!" Suddenly, at least fifty swords come up from the ground, hovering around the master of the Black Rose guild. "Swords of Earth!" Then, all of the swords fly toward the ground where I stand.

Duck to the left; step to the side; turn to the right.

I try dodge a sword, but it slices my arm. Another one nicks my left leg. I continue to try to dodge, but by the time all of the swords have attacked, I have multiple gashes and cuts all over my body.

"Feel like giving up, Dragon Slayer?"

"Tch. These are only paper cuts," I reply. "And now it's my turn." I take off, running toward Reina. I bring back my left fist, and she blocks, but I had feinted. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" I yell as my right fist connects with her face and she's thrown backwards. Reina stands up.

"Is that all you've got?" She says, but her eyes widen when she doesn't see me.

"No," I reply.

While she was laying on the ground for that short amount of time, I had snuck up behind her. She whips her head around to see me standing behind her. "Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!" I swip my arms in a circular fashion, creating a torrent of flames. Reina quickly whips up a wall of earth to protect her, but my flames burn right through it. Reina tries to block with her arms, but she is still hit and is sent flying. She lands on the ground a few yards away; but she doesn't get up. I wait for a moment. Slowly, the blond stand up. Blood drips down both her arms and she lifts her head. Her brown eyes are aflame with anger.

"Now you've done it."

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