Chapter 17

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Gray's POV

I stand up, fury setting my body on fire. I glare at Rose and launch myself toward her. I throw a punch toward her, but she dodges it. I try to uppercut her jaw, but she leans back and kicks my legs out from under me. I hit the ground hard, the force knocking the breath out of me. She tries to kick me, but I roll out of the way and jump up. I spin around and kick her. It connects with her back and throws her forward. She stumbles, trying to regain her balance. She turns toward me, glaring.


I glare back. "Ice Make: Arrows!" A bow and a quiver appear in my hands. I sling the quiver over my shoulders and grab an arrow, nocking it on my bow. I fire arrow after arrow at the pinkette, but she makes a shield out of lightning and my arrows hit her shield only to disintegrate. She drops her shield of lightning and summons a dark cloud above my head. It thunders and lightning shoots out of the cloud, striking me. I collapse to my hands and knees, breathing hard. I stare at my charred hands.

I spot a certain blunette lying on the ground, not too far from me. Juvia.

I stand, refusing to give up. "I can't afford to be defeated here," I say, a shadow covering my eyes. "Ice Make: Bazooka!" A bazooka forms in my arms, and I fire it at my opponent. She dodges it easily.

"Big talk for such a weak mage," Rose taunts. I fire my bazooka again, but with a ball of dirt instead. She dodges it once again, but it hits the ground and causes a cloud of dust. I use this opportunity and I sneak up behind her.

"Ice Make: Lance!" I slash at her back and she falls, defeated.

"Gray-sama," says a familiar voice. I whip around to see Juvia standing only a few feet away from me.

"Juvia," I breathe. I take the few steps between us and hug her tightly.

"U-Um, Gray-sama... I have something to-" Suddenly, we are thrown to the ground by an invisible force.

"Don't forget about me, fools."

Juvia and I look up to see Luke staring down at us. He smirks, but I smirk right back. A black tattoo starts to appear on my right forearm. I flip my hand over and place my palm on the ground. I freeze the ground in a trail toward Luke. I freeze his feet in place. He looks down and sees his ice-covered legs.

I slowly and painfully stand up, trying to resist his gravity magic pulling me down. I take a step toward the brown haired mage. I take another step. Another. Then, I'm only standing a foot away from him. I pull my arm back and clench my fist. I throw my arm forward and my fist collides with his jaw. The force of my punch throw him back and he breaks free of the ice around his feet. He releases his magic and Juvia stands up. She places her hand on my shoulder.


I nod.

Luke stands up and turns to face us. We face each other and I grab her left hand with my right. We look toward Luke and magic starts to radiate from our hands.

"Magic fusion!" We chant in sync. "Unison raid!" Water shoots out toward him and mixes with small, but sharp pieces of ice. It collides with Luke, throwing him backward. He lays on the ground, unconscious and covered in many cuts and bruises.

Juvia turns to me and hugs me. I hug her back.

"Gray-sama," Juvia whispers in my ear. "Juvia heard what you said earlier." A deep red blush covers my face. Juvia pulls away from our hug and stares at me. She blushes
"Juvia-" She cuts off. "No," Juvia says, shaking her head. She smiles at me. "I love you, too."

Erza's POV

Suddenly, I my feet are kicked out from under me and I fall on my back. I roll to the side and narrowly avoid a sword to the head. I jump up and take a couple steps back. I survey my newest enemy. He has blue-black hair and bright blue eyes. He's wearing a brown sweatshirt, black pants, and a brown scarf that covers his mouth like a mask.

"Who are you?" I ask demandingly.

"Aladdin," He replies curtly and runs toward me. He unsheathes a dagger and swipes at me. I summon two daggers and block him. Then, I requip into my Lightning Empress Armor and I swipe at him with my spear. It connects with his chest, creating a long gash. He jumps back. Aladdin looks at his chest, then narrows his eyes at me. Before he can react, I requip into my Heaven's Wheel Armor.

"Heaven's Wheel!" Dozens of swords appear and fly toward Aladdin.

When the dust clears, he is still standing, covered in cuts. A shadow covers his eyes. I summon my sword and I charge him, planning to take him down once and for all. Aladdin puts his hands together and starts chanting under his breath. Suddenly, my sword disappears and Aladdin disappears. Then someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn around to see him behind me. He gives me a right hook, then cocks his leg up and slams in into my side. I double over in pain and I stare as blood drips onto the ground.

Then, I hear footsteps and a grunt. I straighten up and look over and my eyes widen in shock to see a certain blue-haired mage fighting Aladdin.

He jumps in the air and places both of his hand son top of each other. He summons seven magic seals and each seal releases a powerful blast on Aladdin. Each blasts was more powerful than the last, and when it was all over, Aladdin was lying on the ground, unconscious and completely defeated.

The blue-haired mage turned to face me and I stared, unbelieving, at the face with the mysterious red tattoo above and under his right eye. He walks over to me.

"Hello, Erza," He greets, smiling.

"Jellal? What are you doing here?"

"Well..." He blushes. "Um, I uh, have something to tell you."


"Well," Jellal scratches the back of his head and avoids eye contact with me. "I..." He starts blushing profusely.

I wrap my arm around his neck. I lean in and kiss him. When I pull away, we are both the color of my hair.

"Jellal... I..." I try to look anywhere but his face, but I end up staring him straight in the eyes. "I lo-"

He wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead.

"Love you too, Erza."

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