Chapter 9

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Reina's POV

I hear a knock. "Ma'am?"

I take a deep breath and smooth down my blonde hair. "Come in." I say, and a girl with long, straight white hair walked in.

"Sorry for disturbing you, but I wish to inform you that there are two boys outside that are trying to break in. I am under the impression the people believe this building is haunted."

"Hm." I tap my chin. My thoughts start to wander back to distant memories. Everyone always hurts me. Now, I am the one who is hurting others. My eyes are cold and my smile dark as I open my mouth and say, "Kill them."

The girl gives me a small bow. "Of course, Reina-sama." She turns and walks to the door, but before she leaves, she says, "I overheard Lilan plans to betray us to the Council."

I shake my head. "The captain of the Shadow Division, a traitor." I tsk. "Do what you like, Stella. You are now the captain." The teenage girl's purple eyes light up, but she keeps her composure.

"Thank you." She shuts the door behind her as she leaves. I unroll a map of Magnolia. I pick up a tack and stab it onto the Fairy Tail guild hall.

"Prepare yourself, Fairy tail. You have someone I want, and I won't stop until I get her."

Stella's POV

Kill them? I sigh. I don't like killing people. I shouldn't kill them. I won't. I shake my head. I have to follow that woman's orders until I get the signal to rescue Marie. If I mess this up now, this infiltration mission will have been for nothing. I could let them go, but Reina has eyes and ears everywhere. I shiver. It's freaky. I arrive at the exit doors and -- after a moment of hesitation -- I push them open. Shielding my eyes from the bright sunlight with my left hand, I stare at two teenage boys around my age.

"Hey, look! It's a girl!" The boy with brown hair and green eyes exclaims.

"I can see that," the blue-eyed blonde replies sarcastically. The green-eyed one rolls his eyes.

"Anyway, do you live here?"

"Sort of," I reply.

"Oh. Well, my name is Kai. His name is Adrien." Kai gestures to his blonde friend.

"You seem like nice people." I say.

"Uh." Kai scratches the back of his neck. "Thanks. So... what's your name?"

After a few moments I say, "Stella."

"Well, it's nice to-"

I interrupt him. "You shouldn't have come here."

"Huh?" Kai and Adrien say in unison.

"I'm sorry," I say as I hold my hands up in front of me. "Come, brilliant light of the universe." A tiny, glowing white ball of light appears, hovering between my palms. It slowly grows as I speak. "Glowing white fire, as hot and destructive as the sun itself." I look at Kai and Adrien. "Run" I mouth as I feel my eyes begin to glow an inhuman shade of purple. "Burn!" Swiftly, I kneel, pressing my hands against the ground. "White Sun!" A brilliant white light travels across the ground in all directions, burning everything in its path, leaving ash in its wake.

Kai's POV

I made it... just in time. Stella tried to kill us! But... she also told us to run. Agh! I'm so confused. Did she want to kill us or not? I look over at Adrien. He has burns all over his body. I teleported us out of there a moment too late. I look down and notice that I have burns on my body, too. I wince and look up at the sky.

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