Chapter 12

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AN: I watched Your Lie In April and omg the feels.

Levy's POV

Everything is silent. Then, the guild erupts into shock, worry, and anger. Lucy was kidnapped right in front of us. People scurry about, still trying to figure out what the heck just happened. There are so many people, but the only person I'm looking at is Natsu. He's lost Lucy twice now. His face clearly shows his shock. A shadow covers his eyes. He walks toward the guild doors.

"Natsu!" Gray calls. Suddenly, everything is quiet. Natsu stops. He turns his head to glare at Gray. Gray's eyes widen and a shiver goes down my spine. His onyx eyes shine with anger.

"They took Lucy," He states.

"I know."

"I know you know. They took Lucy, and I'm going to get her back. I'll destroy anyone who gets in my way."

Gray narrows his eyes. "But-"

"You know what that's like, don't you, Gray?" Natsu stares at him.

Gray glances at Juvia and sighs. "Yeah."

I speak up. "Where are you going?"

Natsu rolls his eyes. "To get-"

"Yes, I know. To get Lucy. But where are you going?" Natsu stays silent. "No one knows where they took her," I continue, "But I can try to find her." Natsu's eyes light up with hope.

"Thanks, Levy!"

"Thank me after I find her. Also, there's a condition." I put my hands on my hips. "You don't go alone."

Natsu opens his mouth to protest, but he shuts it. "Fine." I unroll some maps on a table and start trying to locate Lucy. Lu-chan, please be alright.

Lucy's POV

The girl named Jade teleported us to a hallway in her guild, still holding her knife to my neck. I fall limp, hoping it'll slow her down, but she continues to drag me at the same pace. Damn, this girl is strong! Eventually, we reach a door. Jade opens the door and it reveals another hallway. But as she drags me through, I can't help but notice the cells lining the right wall. We continue down the hall and I stare into the empty cells as we pass them. What are those red stains? My eyes widen in horror as I realize... it's blood. We pass a cell that contains a girl with light purple hair. She lifts her head, staring at me with wide eyes. We stop in front of the cell next to the purple-eyed girl. She wraps her bruised hands on the bars of her cell and continues to stare at me. Jade opens the door of the cell and throws me in. I crash against the wall, and fall to the ground, scraping my body against the rough floor. It is cold, dark, and my entire body is covered in cuts and bruises. Jade chants something and I'm thrown up against the ceiling, then thrown to the ground. I wince and look down at my arms and notice that they're bloody and beaten. Suddenly, I can't breathe, I grab at my chest, desperately trying to get air into my lungs. A fist comes out of nowhere and punches me in the stomach. I fly across the small room and crash hard into the stone wall behind me. I cough into my hand. I stare in shock at my shaking hand as I see the blood. I experienced this once before, in my visions. A shock of lightning jolts through me and I scream in agony.

Another shock.



I can no longer tell how long it's been, or what's happening. All I know is that everything hurts. I can't move my body.
"S-Someone... help me. P-please..." I whisper, but it goes unheard.

Then it all goes black.

Natsu's POV

"Tch. How much longer, Levy?" I ask. It's already been an hour.

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