Chapter 19

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Natsu's POV

I watch helplessly as Lucy gets smaller and smaller as she falls. I reach my hand out, trying to reach her. She closes her eyes and tears fall from my eyes as I see her lips mouth goodbye. I open my mouth and a strangled scream comes out. I sit on my legs and stare through watery eyes at the orange and pink sky.

Suddenly, a bright white light shines from the gorge. My jaw drops as I see a girl wearing a black and yellow dress floating upward from the bottom of the cliff. A simple golden crown sits upon her head. Her long blond hair flies in the wind and her brown eyes reflect the light of the sunset. I stare in disbelief.

"Lucy?" I whisper. Her eyes flit over to me and she gives me a small smile. Then she turns her gaze to Reina. If only looks could kill. Suddenly, she flits out of sight and appears in front of Reina. Lucy claps her hands together and a wave of light sweeps over the ground. Reina is thrown violently backward, and she lands on the ground, her body limp like a doll.

She runs over to Reina. She pulls her arm back, then thrust it forward, punching Reina square in the face. "That was for me." Lucy spins around and roundhouse kicks her in the side with incredible strength. She cocks her head to the side. "That was also for me." She jumps up and flips mid-air. "And this..." She brings her left leg down on Reina's head. I hear a sickening crack. "Is for Fairy Tail!"

She draws a symbol in the air with her finger. "Scorpio!" Suddenly, sand surfaces from the ground. She swipes her hand horizontally and sand mimics her movement, slamming into Reina. After about a minute, Reina emerges from the pile of sand that is slowly changing back to dirt. She stands up, getting in a fighting stance.

"That's not the way you should treat your dear aunt," Reina says, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Lucy glares at Reina, hate replacing the usual kind look in her eyes. A chill goes down my spine as she points at Reina. "You are not my aunt," She growls and they charge at each other.

Wendy's POV

"Is that Lucy?"

"I knew Lucy would escape!"

"Who's that woman she's fighting?"

"Why are they fighting?"

"Why does Lucy look like that?"

"What's happening?"

I hear multiple people murmuring to themselves as they try to figure out what's happening. I myself don't really don't know what's happening. I knew that Natsu was fighting that woman. And now Lucy is fighting her, but why does she look like that? What is this magic power I'm sensing? Then, I feel a presence behind me and I whip around, prepared to fight. I see two girls with light purpleish-white hair and bright purple eyes walking out of the half-destroyed building. One looks about my age, and the other one looks about Lucy-san's age. The older one supports the younger one, since the younger looks badly wounded. Bruises cover her arms, she has burn marks all over her legs, and she looks dangerously skinny. One is clearly injured, but they just walked out of the Black Rose guild, and the older one is wearing the symbol of the Black Rose guild on her long black cloak. They're definitely associated with them. I don't want to attack someone who's injured, but I don't have much of a choice. I can't just let them get away.

I run toward them and jump. "Sky Dragon's Claw!" I lift my feet and unleash a large gust of wind as I swing my leg down at the older girl. She whips her head up just in time to be kicked right in the face. She lets go of the other girl as she falls to the ground. She stands up, but I was already behind her. "Sky Dragon's Crushing Fang!" I yell and swipe at her with my fingers, leaving a wake of wind behind. She's pushed backward, but she doesn't fall.

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