Chapter 16

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AN: Ugh school started and fgdhdjsdusksng my classes suck.

Juvia's POV

"Water Slicer!" A single wave of multiple water blades connects with an enemy, as well as 2 more behind him. I twirl around and roundhouse kick a guy in the gut, then uppercut another in the jaw. The enemies aren't particularly strong, but there are so many of them. Their plan was probably to take us down using their numbers. "Water Cane!" A whip of water extends from my hand and I twirl around, slashing through mulitple enemies. I pull it back toward me, then snap it forward again, sending three enemies flying.

"Juvia!" I hear Gray-sama call out to me urgently and I turn to see a man holding a sword. My eyes widen as he swings his weapon down, only to connect with another sword instead of me. Gray-sama pulls me behind him and quickly defeats the enemy. "Are you alright, Juvia?" He asks, turning to me. I smile.

"Juvia is fine. Thank you, Gray-sama."

"You shouldn't let your guard down," a voice says. Suddenly, something slams into my back and throws me violently forward. I crash to the ground and Gray runs to me.


"Juvia is alright, Gray-sama." I say, and push myself up, my arms shaking slightly. I stand up and turn around. The woman smirks and puts her hand on her hip. She takes a step forward, her short pink hair swaying slightly in the breeze.

"I'm Rose." She gestures to the man a few feet behind her. "That's Luke."

Luke scoffs. "Though you won't be needing our names."

"Why not?" I say, gaining condfidence.

Rose's pinkish-purple eyes shine with malice. "Because you'll be dead soon."

Gray steps forward and puts his arm out in front of me. "That won't be happening."

"Hmm. We'll see about that." Rose places her palms together, chanting something under her breath. She pulls her hands apart and her palms glow brightly. "Storm of Light!" She yells and a whirlwind forms, swirling around her. Suddenly, lightning shoots out from the whirlwind and I jump to the side, the lightning scratching my face. I cry out, and put my hand over the burn on my cheek. It's small, but its hurts a lot. It is lightning, after all.

"Rose-san. I'm sure you have your reasons for fighting. But I have mine as well. And I don't plan on losing." Rose glares at me. "Water Jigsaw!" I transform my body into a rapidly spinning cone, slamming into Rose. She flies backward, but manages to recover. She summons a storm, clouds appearing above her head. Lightning strikes her body, but she doesn't fall. She grins, completely unharmed. Then she runs toward me with inhuman speed. I narrow my eyebrows. "Water Body!"

All her lightning travels down to her arms and she slams her hands into my body of water. She frowns as her hand goes through me and I take a couple steps back.

"Water Nebula!" I create two columns of water that form a helix and crashes into Rose, sending her flying.

"Ice-Make: Arrows!" I look over to see Gray-sama fighting the blonde man named Luke. Luke throws his arms out and smirks. The arrows fall to the ground. "Tch." Gray-sama charges his opponent, catching him off-guard. "Ice-Make: Death Scythe!" He jumps into the air, a scythe of ice forming in his hands. Then , he swings the scythe down. It connects with Luke and the force of the blow slams him down, the ground around him cracking. Blood drips down his head.

"Bastard..." He whispers as he closes his eyes.

"You shouldn't be looking away from your opponent." I whip my head toward where Rose is, but she's not there anymore. "Right here." I spin around to see Rose only a foot away. She charges at me and suddenly throws her hand forward, her palm landing gently on my stomach. Then, lightning travels down her arm and into my stomach.

I scream, my body shaking in agony. Then, she releases me from her lightning. But before I can collapse to the ground, she brings her other arm forward and slams into my stomach. I cough up blood as I'm thrown backward and crash to the ground. I try to get up, but I can't move, let alone stand.

I stare into the sky as it becomes cloudy and starts to rain. The rain. It's always been there, like a curse. And it wouldn't go away, no matter how hard I tried. Then, Gray enters my field of vision. Ah, that's right. I'm not alone anymore.

"Juvia!" Gray reaches his hand out and grabs my hand. "Hold on! Hold on, Juvia," He pleads. I give him a weak smile.

"Juvia will do anything for you, Gray-sama."

"I just... I can't lose you," He whispers.

"Juvia is not... going any...where..." I trail off, feeling dizzy. My vision blurs.

Then it all goes black.

Gray's POV

"Juvia? Juvia!" I start to panic. She's not responding. "Juvia!" Is she dead? She can't be, right? I lean down and put my head on her chest.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

I sigh in relief and lift my head up. She's just unconscious. I stare at Juvia's face. We've been through a lot together. She always tells me that she loves me, and I used to reject her every time. But nowadays, it doesn't seem like a bad thing if we were in a relationship. Actually, it would be nice. I smile and tuck a piece of her beautiful blue hair behind her ear.

I lean down and gently kiss Juvia's forehead. I move to lift my head up, but then I stop, hovering just above her forehead. Juvia's unconscious, so that means she can't hear me, right? So maybe... it's alright to say it. Just this once. I move my head so my lips are right next to her ear.

"Juvia," I whisper, "I love you."

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