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i woke up without knowing where i was. then i remembered last night. i face palmed.

i got out of bed and went to my room. i washed my face and got ready for school.

another tiring day. i sighed.

"chaeri-ssi!" i heard someone call out. i turned around and saw jungkook. "i'll give you a ride."

"sure." i got in his car and he drove off.

"bye!!" i waved at jungkook and he drove away.

"chaeri-yah!!" i saw bambam. he ran up and hugged me. "bambam!"

"i missed you!" bambam said, still hugging. he pulled away.

"what happened to you? i haven't seen you in days." i asked him as we walked in the school.

"not too much. i was a little bit sick so i couldnmt go out." he explained.

"ahh. so are you feeling okay now?"
"that's a relief."
"let's go." he smiled at me and we walked together towards the room.

unexpectedly, when we entered the room, kyomin and somi wasn't there. oh no i haven't been talking to them since i was sick!! i texted kyomin.

kyomin-ah, eodisseo?
sent 9:37am

i'm at home. i'm sick.
received 9:38am

are you feeling okay? don't get
too sick and take your meds okay? :')
sent 9:40am

ne eomoni~ ㅋㅋㅋ 
received 9:40am

oh, and where's somi?
sent 9:41am

oh... you didn't know? she took a
break from school and went to
busan apparently. :(
received 9:42am

what?? she didn't even tell me TT
sent 9:42am
btw.. i have something to tell you..
sent 9:42am

ok go on
received 9:43am

i think... i like bambam? it's a bit
complicated to explain i dont know
why too...
sent 9:43am

you like bambam???!!
but he's a playboy!!
you know that very well!
received 9:44am

kyomin-ah.. i'll reply to you later!
class is gonna start in a minute!
bye and get well soon! say hi to
somi for me! <3
sent 9:44am

received 9:45am

Kyomin's POV

i sighed after reading her text. to be honest, i was shocked at first when i read it... but i guess, she found bambam different from other playboys. i mean, he's nice and a good kid. but who knows what happens when she'll date him?

i went and watched drama at home today since i was sick. i'm sick of school anyways.

Chaeri's POV

time passed and it was already lunch. i bought lunch and sat with bambam.

i checked kyomin's text.

received 9:45am

i sighed. what do i do? i've completely fallen for a playboy. i continued to eat lunch.

"are you okay?" bambam asked as he touched my forehead to see if i was sick. my hear fluttered. "m-me? i'm f-fine." i stuttered. bambam went back to eating.

"you're so quiet today. you're not usually like this." bambam stated. "i'm really fine. i just have a lot of things going on my mind." i explained to him and we continued eating peacefully.

he held my free hand on the table. i felt my heart race. "don't worry. if you got any problems, just tell me and i'll help you." he smiled lightly and i smiled. "hm."

we finished eating and went on the rooftop since we still had 20mins of lunch left.

"so.. what do you wanna do when you grow up?" bambam suddenly asked and i looked at him, he was staring at the sky.

"i've never really thought about it. you?" i answered.
"to be with someone who i really love, forever, even if we get old." bambam said. i was touched.
"do you have a special someone in your mind?" i asked. "yes." he unhesitantly replied.

"you probably know her." he adds. "she's pretty, always sleeps whenever going somewhere, cute, of course. a very caring person, you know? i love her, like, a lot. me, as a playboy, have never felt this way about someone. she makes me want to take care of her. she's different. she's not like those girls i met before. she's got attitude." bambam described "the girl". that girl must be lucky. i thought.


so... this'll end soon! i hope you like it 💚

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