sixteen - end;

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If you haven't watched Fight for my Way (a kdrama), you should watch it! Listen to the song ^^ 💚


1 month later

Chaeri's POV

today is the day where me, somi, kyomin, and the seven boys go to thailand for a 3 week vacation. so we're spending half our summer in Thailand.

basically, me and youngjae will leave mum with her friends.

i already had my luggages and bag prepared for the trip. i couldn't wait for somi, and kyomin to pick me up with their van.

a week before school ended, we decided to just meet up at the airport without picking up everybody so it was easier.

i changed to my outfit i was gonna wear for the vacation and ate breakfast as usual. we decided to go early since there were lots of good places in Thailand we could go to.

as soon as i was done washing the dishes, someone rang the doorbell and of course it was either somi or kyomin.

i opened the door and it was neither of them. it was bambam. "is youngjae hyung here?" he asked. i nodded immediately.

"of course," i said before calling youngjae, "youngjae oppa! bambam's here!" i yelled to him and he yelled back, "almost there!"

"oh yeah, kyomin texted us that they forgot about you so you'll have to ride with us," bambam told me.

"what?!" i shouted suddenly, "wait here i'm gonna go get my stuff." i took off my apron and started to go up to my room and get my bag and luggage.

i came down and went straight into the van after putting my things at the back. aish, kyomin and somi.. leaving me with these boys. they were loud as fxxk, man.

then i fell asleep as i usually did.


"jagiya~" i heard a voice say. "wake up." the person shook my body.

"ughh," i groaned while i opened my eyes and saw the we were at the airport.

"let's go." bambam said, "we have to board the plane in an hour."

we took out our luggages at the back and went into the airport.

we boarded the plane after what seemed like a long time. kyomin and somi was beside me because i was in the middle.

the other guys sat with each other; jinyoung and jackson, mark and jaebum, yugyeom and bambam and youngjae.

we had a few hours to land to Thailand so everybody slept or listened to music or watched a movie.

i couldn't sleep since all i thought about was going to Thailand and of course, i had taken a nap while we were driving to the airport.

i had a feeling three weeks of summer with them would be fun. it will be. i smile formed on my face as i closed my dyes drifting off to sleep.


someone poked me as i opened my eyes and turned my head to the side and looked at bambam. "why are you on this seat?" i asked.

"can i not be on this seat?" he chuckled, pinching my cheek. i rubbed my eyes. "are we there yet?"

"yup. i think the plane just landed." i looked out the window and we just landed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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