Chapter 2

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****DEANS POV****

I started my short walk back to my car but it felt like forever. Maybe because I couldn't stop thinking about mine and Sam's talk earlier. He never brought new people over. He only ever brought Jess, Garth, and Gabriel to the house. I guess this could be a good thing. My thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Sam and a boy waiting by my car.

"Dean this is Castiel."

The boy was looking down up until this point so I couldn't see his beautiful blue eyes. Wait... Beautiful?
Anyway he was a pretty good looking guy. He had jet black hair and he was almost as tall as me. He also had those amazing blue eyes that I wish I could swim in. Stop thinking like this.
This boy actually looked familiar.

"Do I know you?"
I had to ask because I couldn't shake this feeling that I did know him. But then again who could forget those eyes.

The boy looked puzzled and a bit uncomfortable.

"Um yes I'm in about six of your classes including lunch. We sit at the same table...... You spilled your mashed potatoes all over me yesterday. Does any of this ring a bell?"

I was trying to listen to what he was saying but to be honest all I could focus on was that voice. It sounded like honey. Well it was actually deep and a big gravely but I liked it. After a minute of processing my thoughts I looked up at him. Did I really spill my mashed potatoes on him?

"Oh. I'm sorry man I didn't realize." I tried to sound really sincere but I'm not sure it was really working.

"Ok let's go."

Thank god Sam cut in and broke that awkward silence that had settled over us.


The car ride was silent except for the sweet rock music playing on the car radio station. I kept sneaking peaks at Dean. I don't know why I do this to myself it's not like he would really ever notice me. The only reason he knows who I am is because I made friends with his brother.

All school year I have had a little crush on Dean Winchester and I never though I would be sitting in his car.

The ride was pretty short and the house was nice. It's not what I expected Dean Winchester's house to look like. The house was a two story colonial type house. It looked cozy.

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