Chapter 14

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Good news, I don't have to work today. Bad news, my father is forcing me to spend the day with my brother. Don't get me wrong I actually like my brother he's nice to me and he's cool with me being gay he's actually one of the most understanding straight guys I know, nice to everybody no matter what.

When we go out to the mall he's always pointing out the hot guys always saying something like 'he's cute.' Or 'Oh what about him, I'll flirt with his friend while you talk to him.' And you know what he does, he flirts with the friend always even if its a guy. He gets a lot of numbers. Just about every person he flirts with gives him their number. You really can't blame them either my brother is a good looking guy, brown hair that looks good no matter what. It sweeps across his forehead and you can try like hell to mess it up, trust me, but it won't do a damn thing his hair just falls perfectly. Unlike my self, he has chocolate brown eyes like my dads. It's not just his looks he also has the best personality. You could ask anyone what they thought of him and you would get the same reply, ' he's the best guy I ever met' or ' that young boy will one day grow up to be something special.' Even ex girlfriends don't have anything bad to say about him, If that doesn't prove my point then I don't know what will

"You ready to go Cas?" Liam had walked into the kitchen clutching his keys in one hand while he was stuffing his wallet in his back pocket with the other hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I grabbed an apple off the table.

"Well I was thinking we could go to the mall pick up some cute boys for you."

I could feel my face turning red. It embarrassed me when he talk about that so casually and freely right in front of our dad too.

"Well that sounds like fun boys. Remember Cas, don't be a loner cover your boner!" My dad just says it like it was a normal thing to just throw out there.

"Oh my gosh dad I'm leaving." Yep I could definitely feel my face turning what was most likely an unhealthy shade of red.

"Can we please just leave." I was now pushing Liam out the door.

"Ya good idea I actually really wanted to talk to you today. You know some serious stuff." Liam shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other as he said that.

It had to be pretty serious for him to act like this.


The ride to the mall was spent in comfy silence.

When we got to the mall we did what we normally do, we walked around for a bit checked out some boys and went to our favorite store. Hot Topic. After spending almost an hour in there we went to the food court.

"So Cas I was wondering. Um. Well how did you know you were gay?"

That's a good question, "that's a hard one to answer, I don't really know I guess I only really knew when I saw de- um I mean I just didn't feel anything for girls but boys were different. If that makes any sense to you." I almost told him about dean. It's not that I was scared to tell him I just, he can't keep a secret he would tell my dad and I really wasn't ready for that talk with my dad yet. Screw that I would never be ready for that talk.

"No that actually helps a lot." Liam said.

"Wait helps? What the hell are you talking about?" I'm so confused.

"Well Cas I'm now pretty sure that I'm gay."

What the fuck. Liam gay! I don't even, I can't comprehend this, "no I don't understand you have had like a million girlfriends."

"Ya but like you said, I never really felt anything for them and when I flirt with those guys I like it."

"Ok um ya ok that's um that's great." What the hell do I say!

"Oh I'm so glad you understand because there's this really hot guy in my gym class."

You know this might actually be fun. I have another gay guy to talk to about boys. I couldn't talk to dean because he's way to jealous.

"Ok well what's his name?"

"Dean. Dean Winchester. Do you know him?"

Oh of corse the one class I don't have with dean my brother just so happens to have. What do I say! I can't even fucking form any coherent sentences in my head. I don't know what to do I have honestly never been in this situation before. This day can't get any worse. Oh fuck me why would I even think that, now something worse is going to happen that's how it works.

"Hey Cas? Is that you? Wow I haven't heard from you." A familiar voice spoke from behind me.

Fuck my life! Really god? You had to bring Cameron here you couldn't just, oh I don't know smite me or something.

"Cas who is this incredibly attractive man?" I know my brother was speaking to me but I couldn't hear a thing he was saying, I couldn't focus on anything around me.

"I um I... Did you know that octopus' are just wet spiders!" The fuck did I just say?!?


A/N: hey guys new chapter yay!! I know lol in my story's everyone has to be gay! Maw ha ha *evil laughs while stroking my cat in my lap in a super creepy manor* ok so the picture on the side is Liam (Cas' brother) and the song on the side is not related to my characters but if you listen to it I think it's the perfect song to sum up the real Cas and Dean lol do check it out bitches!!!

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