Chapter 16

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****DEAN'S POV****

I won't lie. I'm nervous as hell right now. Should I be nervous to meet Cas' dad? Ok I have actually met him before but it wasn't really official, he said hey and I said it back but that was before he knew I was dating his son. Gulp. The dude wasn't like huge or anything but he was still bigger then me and was definitely intimidating.

Yep definitely nervous but there's no going back now, I will admit when I first got here I was contemplating on hauling ass out of here. I have decided that I am far to young to die.

Ok suck it up. It won't be that bad. He's not going to kill me.

"Hello son, would you do me a huge favor and grab my shovel over there..... I'm going to need it later." Cas' dad stated.

Ok maybe he would kill me.

"Dad leave him alone!" Cas came over to the door and pulled me in. Thank god for Cas because I'm sure his dad was already thinking of ways to discard my body.

This will be a long night indeed.

When I finally got the rest of my body through the door, with Cas' help, ok that was a lie he did all the work and I didn't even help him, he pulled me to living room to sit on the couch.

I was very cautious of where I sat, I didn't want to sit to close to Cas in fear that his dad would rip me in half. Where I sat didn't really matter in the end anyway because Cas pretty much plopped down in my lap. Not the time not the time!

I shuffled a bit and cleared my throat in hopes that Cas would get the message and move. He got the message, I'm sure of that, but he decided it would be more fun to continue to make me feel uncomfortable.

"What's wrong baby. I thought you liked it when I sat in your lap especially when I do it with my clothes off, oh is that it so you want me to take them off because I can t- "

"Cas stop! Are you trying to get me killed!" I asked in a horse voice because I'm certain that Cas' dad, or Matt, was giving me the 'well now you have to die' look.

"I'm sorry Dean your just so easy to embarrass its almost comical."

"Ya well see how funny it is when you have to wash whats left of me off your living room floor or when you have to explain to everyone what happened to me and why your wearing a necklace of my teeth and I'm going to be quite now because I just made this weird." I rambled.

"He's a keeper son." Matt put a reassuring hand on Cas' shoulder and left the room to make dinner.

"Was not expecting that. Really I thought I would be in little pieces in several trash bags by now."

"Your so dramatic Dean just calm down you heard him, he likes you I promise." Cas told me while he took my hand in his and placed a gentle kiss on the back.

Cas, still holding my hand, led me to the table to sit down and make small talk with everyone until the food was out.

This honestly wasn't bad at all. I could really get use to this place. I picked up my water and started to drink.

"So Dean your not planing on doing my brother right because you know that I would personally kill you."

And that was my cue to spit out half of my water while I chocked on the other half.

Back to being a long night after all.


A/N: yay!! Two chapters in one day lol that's good for me so you should be excited. And thus be Cas' daddy! >>>

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