Chapter 17

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****DEAN'S POV****

Tonight is the night. No I didn't mean it like that you perverts, but if things go as well as planned maybe just maybe..... No don't think about that right now.

As I was saying tonight's the night that we tell all of our friends about us. I'm trying hard to be optimistic but all it takes is one person to ruin the whole night so fingers crossed.

Cas and I decided that we would invite all the of our close friend to go bowling with us and while we are eating some pizza and having a good time we will tell them that we are dating. Good plan right... Right?

I invited Sammy of course. I also invited the twins, Tristan and Adien, and Cas invited his brother Liam and his friend Lyla. Ok so we don't have very many friends but that's ok because the ones we do have are very close and amazing. I just hope that out of the whole group of people everyone of them would except us.


****CASTIEL'S POV*****

I'm super nervous to meet Deans friends. They will be here anytime now. Dean, Sam, Liam, Lyla, and I are already at the bowling alley and have ordered the pizzas and rented our shoes.

A cute boy walked over to us not long after we picked our lane and got settled in.

"Sup guys, I'm Tristan."

Dean went over and give him a hug, but it was a manly hug......

"Hey buddy where's Aiden?"

"He had to work tonight so your stuck with just me." Tristan said in a joking manor, at least I think it was.

"Ok let's get this game going!"

The game was over and brutal, needless to say that I suck at bowling big time. You may be thinking that I can't be that bad, well let me just say that at one point I ruined a little girls birthday part when I miscalculated when to let go of the ball and it may of swung backwards and landed in her cake..... Maybe.

"I am so glad that's over, lets eat!"

I was feeling excited and anxious. This is it, the moment of truth. But now that I think about it the only person here that didn't know about Dean and I was his friend Tristan. So it really just rests on what he says. Not that his opinion is going to change anything for our relationship, but Dean could be losing a friend so I have to be here for him just in case.

As I was eating I suddenly felt someone grab my hand under the table. I looked over at Dean and he mouthed 'are you ready' I replayed back by mouthing 'now or never'

Dean pulled me up with him and got everyone's attention.

"Um guys... Cas and I wanted you guys, being out closest friends, to know that we are dating. And I love him and... No that's pretty much it, you want to say something babe?" At this point Dean turned to me and so did everyone else.

I didn't really know what to say so I just shock my head no.

"Wait so your gay?" Tristan asked looking at Dean.


A/N: yes I'm mean! I'm leaving it there for now mwahhahahaha!!!! What do you think, should Tristan be ok with it? Of course the people who read the intro chapter to my spin off book already kinda know how he feels. And last but not least I thought I would treat my beautiful readers by putting a picture of my Dean on the side over there>>>>>>
And can I just say that he is the perfect actor to play little Dean, he is exactly what I picture little Jensen Ackles to look like!

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