Chapter 11

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Your probably wondering why I'm excited. Well shut up because I'm going to tell your fine ass.

Oh god I need some friends. Obviously I needed friends if I was talking to my self. Again.

But I really couldn't help it I had to tell someone why I was bursting at the seems. It's Friday, but I'm not excited for the weekend and no school, I'm excited because dean and I finally get to go on a date after like missing three Fridays because I had work or he had to watch Sam.

Tonight we will be going to a new restaurant that just opened up down the road. Dean didn't give me much details about it at all. I don't even know the name of the restaurant but I know its kinda fancy.

Oh god no. Dean and a fancy restaurant. I don't want to see how that plays out because I love dean I really do but if there's one thing dean can't do, it's fancy.

I mean it. This one time, not that long ago like maybe a week ago my dad invited dean to a wine tasting, lets just say that dean likes to swallow. Hehe that sounds wrong. Bad Cas!

What time is it? I looked down at my watch, yes I still have a watch its not a big deal guys and its definitely not just for eighty year old men either, as dean would say. Ugggggg it's only five! That means I have like three hours to wait. Well more like two hours and fifty-five minutes before I have to get ready. I know what your thinking, 'but Cas aren't you gay? Won't it take you that much time to find the right jeans to wear?' Well fuck you! I may be gay but I'm not THAT gay all I have to do is throw some clothes on and run a brush through my hair.

Soo now we play the waiting game. Oh ya I can totally do this.

***five minutes later***

Fuck you waiting game I'm gunna cheat on this round and take a nap. Sucker!


****DEAN'S POV****

I got to Cas' house at eight. Suddenly I felt nervous. Why did I feel nervous? Cas and I have gone out before and done a whole lot more.

I was roughly pulled out of my thoughts when Cas jumped into my arms and wrapped his legs around my lower half.

"Dean! I'm so happy to see you it's been like forever."

I had to laugh, well I will never admit this to anyone but it was definitely a giggle. But it was a manly giggle. Cas is so adorable. I love it when he jumps on me and I can hold him in my arms, it feels safe and warm. Won't be saying that out loud either.

"Dean please behave. I mean be respectful and polite. No offense but you are terrible at these type of things."

Wow that hurt a little bit I'm not going to lie that stung. Does Cas really think that little of me.

"I'm not a little kid Cas I know how to behave."

"I know that dean but sometimes you act like a little kid, it's not a bad thing I think it's fun and cute but not when it's at the wrong place and time."

Ok now I'm kinda angry. If he wants to see a little kid then I'll give him one. Here we go.


We got in the restaurant and we were seated by a guy that didn't look any older the me, he could have been eighteen. He showed us to our seats and started us with drinks.

"Hello I'm Cameron ill be your waiter this evening what can I get you two to drink?" Cameron looked at Cas and more like ignored the fact that I was even here. Why does he keep smiling at Cas like that! I don't like it. I'm pretty certain he's trying to flirt with my man.

Ok time to get there attention, "Um yes do you guys have chocolate milk."

The waiter,douche bag Cameron, looked at me like I had two heads. This will be fun.

"Um sorry sir this is a five star restaurant we don't make chocolate milk." Waiter douche bag said.

"Awwww that sucks! I really wanted chocolate milky." I said in my best winey kid voice.

Cas looked super confused for about a minute then he must of caught on because he was giving me the death glare.

"I'm sorry about him, he's a little nuts. Just bring us what ever you think is the best." Cas said in a very calm and polite manor.

"We'll that's ok. Ill be right back with your drink." Stupid face smiled at Cas.

Wow I really just called him stupid face. Well I didn't say it out loud but wow I really an acting like a child. Maybe I should stop.

The waiter came right back with a fancy looking drink and some water.

"Here you go sir." The waiter slid the water to me and then gave Cas his drink.

"Are you ready to order or do you want some more time?" The waiter looked at Cas with his back completly turned to me. I was going to let this go but then the fucker did something unforgivable, Cas said something, but I wasn't listing to him, then the waiter laughed and placed his hand on Cas' arm! That was not ok. Nobody touches my man!

"Um ya excuse me over here. I want dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets." I said in my rudest tone yet.

Both turned to look at me, " um we don't um m- make that either perhaps you should try the Fun Palace down the street I hear they make nothing but little children foods."

Wow that was mean. I looked over to Cas who, not surprisingly looked pissed, but it was aimed at the waiter. What?

"You know what that sounds great. Come on baby lets go over there." Cas said.

What the hell just happened! Did he really say that. I'm guessing he did because mr. Waiter dick face looked shocked but only for a moment before he smiled.

"Ok that might be a better choice for your umm friend anyway. But let me give you my number before you go just in case this (the shit head pointed between me and Cas) doesn't work out."

I can't believe he said that. It was totally on now. I'm going to kick his ass. Well I was but then Cas got up and wrapped his arms around me and started to speak to the waiter again.

"No I think you should keep that number of yours because it wouldn't do me much use. Actually I think I will take it you know just in case." Then Cas winked at him.

This does not feel very good. This is what it must feel like to have your heart broken.

"Ok maybe I'll see you around you can call me we can go out somewhere." Said shit face fuck wad.

Cas took the number and grabbed my hand and we left.

"What the hell baby why did you take his number." I was angry and hurting and sad. I could actually feel the tears welling up.

"Dean can we stop at that crack house across town."

"Um what!?!" I honestly think Cas has lost his mind.

"Ya I need to give them this number."

Cas waved the paper with Cameron's number on it. I couldn't help but smile then crack up.

"Wow baby you had me worried that you were going to leave me."

"Why would I do that? Dean I love you and yes at first I was mad at you for acting like a child but then I realized that that's why I love you so much, you make me laugh."

Now he did it. Stupid Cas why did he have to say such perfect things. Great now I'm going to be a crying mess.

"I love you too Cas. And stop making me cry you bitch!"

Cas and I both laughed and then proceeded to my car so we could go get that number to where it belonged.


A/N: yay!! I have posted a few chapters recently. That pretty good for someone who is having a hard time thinking of what to write. Anyway I hope you like it! Oh and the picture on the side is Cameron/ douche bag/ shit face fuck wad lol and what ever else dean can think of

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