Chapter 6

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****DEAN'S POV****

Over the next few weeks I spent a lot of time with Cas. The more time we spent together the more I liked him. We spent most of the time at my house or of course in the janitors office but we both agreed that we didn't want anyone to know about us yet. Which leads me to the bigger question. What exactly were we? I care a lot about Cas and I like to think that he cares about me too. Would it be to chick-like to just ask him?


I was trying to focus on what the science teacher was saying but dean kept flicking my ear. I regret saying yes when he asked to be my science partner.

Finally, when I realized that he wasn't going to stop until I acknowledged him, I turned to face him and made my best what do you want you annoying bastard face. He then handed me a folded up piece of paper.

I curiously opened up the paper to see what was so damn important that it couldn't wait until after class.

Hey sexy!
Ur ass looks great in those jeans.

I rolled my eyes at dean but decided to reply anyway.

Hey asshole!
U can't even see my ass.

I handed the note back to dean trying to be as sneaky as possible because if Mr. Smith, or John (he's one of those weird teachers that let's us use his first name) saw it he would read it out loud for the whole class to hear and that would be pretty awkward.

Ur ass always looks great.

Ur such a flirt. What do u want Winchester!

I thought u already knew that I want u NOVAK.

DEAN! Ur wasting my time.

I handed the note back to dean once again, hoping that he would just tell me and end this before the teacher did.

Want to come over after school?

I stared down at the note. Really. This was what he had to ask.

I turned to him and shock my head to let him know that I would.


Dean brought me up to his room and locked the door behind us. He pushed me on to his bed and climber on top of me so that one leg was on both sides of me.

I pulled him down so our lips could meet. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and my hands roamed to his chest. I slipped them under his shirt and let one rest on his stomach while the other traveled to his back. When we came apart for air I pulled his shirt up over his head and tossed it aside doing the same with my own shirt.

I rolled us over so that I was now on top of dean then I began kissing his neck. This is deans weakness and I used it to my advantage. I earned a few soft moans from dean. I laced my fingers through his hair and gently tugged. Dean must of liked this because he was moaning a lot louder now. Knowing that I had the upper hand I began sucking on deans neck and he lost it.

"Oh my god..... Cas your killing me!" Dean practically moaned.

I paused but continued when dean told me not to stop and pulled me closer. His hands were now moving down my jeans and he grabbed my ass which earned him a moan from me this time.

"I was right you do have a great ass." Dean said, his words more clear this time.

I was about to unbutton deans jeans when there was a knock on the door.

"Dean what the hell are you doing it sounds like your having sex in there? Wait oh my god are you having sex in there!" Sam asked.

I looked up at dean and did my best not to burst with laughter. "Well this is awkward."

Dean got up and put his shirt back on. "Damn cockblock." Dean muttered.

AN: so I'm sorry I know that this chapter really sucks but I have writers block. Anyway let me know what you think. P.S. all of you guys are now called martin. Till next time. Love you Martin!

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