Chapter 5

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Dean slammed me up against the wall kissing me hard. I had to say I enjoyed it a lot. I just hope Dean couldn't tell how muck I was enjoying it. Wink wink.

I really lost it when Dean moved down to my neck. At first he was just placing soft kisses up and down my neck then he started sucking and softly nibbling and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Deeean." I tried to speak but it came out in more of a wine/moan.

"What Cas?"

"Dean." I said being able to speak more clearly now that he had stopped sucking on my neck. "We are in a janitors closet."

"Very smart Cas. Gold star for you."

Wow what a smart ass.

"No I mean do you really want to do this in here." I asked but I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince him or me.

"No but it's totally cool Martin and I have..... An arrangement. I don't tell about his coffee being a bit too Irish and in exchange I get to makeout with my totally hot beneficial friend in his office." Dean stated, a bit too cocky but it worked for him.

"This is his office?" I didn't see the desk.

Dean nodded and pulled back a curtain to reveal a desk and a mini fridge.

How did I not see the curtain? Probably because it wasn't what I was really focused on.

Dean must of seen that my eyes lingered on the desk for a bit to long.

"Hey ah Cas you know I totally want to try out that desk later." Dean grabbed his bag but stopped before opening the door. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, " how about you be the sexy teacher and I can be the naughty student." With that he turned around, but not before winking at me, and left without another word.

Great now I have to think about that all day. Thanks Dean.

I walked back to class and took my seat at the table In the back of the class next to Dean, but focusing on math equations was a bit difficult with Dean slowly moving his hand up my leg under the table. I jumped when Dean began getting farther up my leg. My knees hit the under side of the table causing every one to look at me including the teacher who wasn't impressed that I had disrupting her class. I glared at Dean but he just smirked In response holding back the laughter. He was enjoying this.

"Mr. Novak is there a problem?"

Yeah it happens to be deans hand that was still inching up my thigh. Damn this boy is shameless.


The next week following the kiss was painfully long. For the first few days Dean didn't talk to me. I was beginning to worry because he didn't just not talk to me he actually full on ignored me.

When he saw me in the halls he would turn around and walk the other way, even if his next class was my way he still took off in the other direction. When I went to his house to hang out with Sam Dean would lock him self in his room. By the end of the week I had enough. I was going to talk to Dean if he liked it or not.

"Dean why are you avoiding me?" I half shouted as I barged in to his room.

"He turned to look at me, his face covered in shock. "I'm not."

This made me very angry because he clearly was, he wouldn't even look at me. "Bullshit."

Again Dean looked shocked, "what?"

"You heard me I said bullshit."

"Oh Cas you know it turns me on when you talk all dirty." Dean said as he wiggled his eyebrow suggestively.

I shuttered and a chill ran through me as I tried to ignore how sexy he looked.

"Look Cas I'm sorry ok." Dean sighed but continued. "Your just a distraction Cas." As Dean kept talking he started moving closer to me. "Dude you got to know that you are super sexy, especially in those glasses damn Cas." Dean had gotten very close but of course Sam picked this moment to walk in.

"Dude you coming?" His eyes flickering between us but not putting it together.

"See you in school Cas." Dean half laughed and winked at me but thank god Sam didn't see.

This is how we ended up in the janitors closet/ office and this is how I ended up sitting in the middle of math class all hot and bothered thanks to Dean. Damn bastard. Damn sexy bastard.

A/N: hey guys! So this chapter was a little longer, and hotter lol. When I wrote it on paper it was four pages. (I always write it on paper first to kinda plan it out) anyway let me know if you actually like it and if you have any ideas for the story cuz I'm kinda stuck. Love all you bitches!!

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