Chapter 15

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****LIAM'S POV****

Ok maybe I was taking it too far now. All I wanted to do was get Cas to admit that he was dating Dean but now he's going to think I like Dean because this boy came over before I could continue with my 'evil plot', then I just had to go and get carried away and say this mystery boy was cute or hot or something. I don't remember what I said I just know that I was taking it too far because I don't think I am actually gay.

It doesn't matter what I said or did anymore because after Cas blurted out that super random thing he ran away and I had to chase him to the girls bathroom. Why the hell did he go in there. Oh ya because he's fucking smart and knows that I wouldn't dare to follow him in. Jackass.

I must1 of waited for at least thirty minutes before he poked his head out around the corner. Got him now. I took this chance to grab him and pull him out of the bathroom fully.

"What the hell Cas why did you run and who the hell was that?"

"Well that's kinda why I ran. You see um I met him in that fancy restaurant and he pissed me off when he started to pick on Dea- oh shit" Cas started but suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, probably because he just basically told me he was going out with Dean.

"Ok Cas I already figured that you were seeing Dean, in fact I just said that stuff earlier to get you to admit it but you pretty much just did and now I'm rambling so please continue with your story about that guy."

Cas stared at me for a while but continued, "well he was picking on Dean and it really pissed me off so we were leaving and he gave me his number and Dean and I may of umm kinda giving it to somebody at that crack house, you know the one an-"

I'm sure he had more to say but he stopped when I broke down with laughter. I was laughing so hard I was actually on my knees clutching my stomach with tears in my eyes. This is probably the best story I have ever heard in my entire life.

When I finally calmed down I stood up and pulled Cas with me to the car. It's been a long day I just wanted to go home and by the relieved look on Cas' face when he saw where I was going I would say he was ready to go home too.



Well now, because of my big mouth, my brother knows I'm dating Dean. I'm going to assume that my father will know very soon because my brother has a big mouth. Great just what I needed.

What I really needed was to talk to Dean and pray to god that he wasn't going to be pissed at me for this.

Liam pulled in to the drive way and I didn't waste anytime getting out and up to my room. I would at least be safe from my dad for the time being if I could get to my room to hide.

Now to just call Dean and hope that he doesn't come over and kill me.

Screw this! I'm going to text him. Ya that would be easier this way he can't yell at me.

Hay babe I'm soooo sorry and I hope you don't skin me alive and make a pair of hunting boots out of me but I let it slip to my brother that we were sorta going out and I'm one hundred percent sure that he's going to tell dad so maybe we should run away cuz he's going to make boots out of me and a matching hat and belt out of you.

Itdidnt take long for Dean to text me back, maybe like five minutes but I was worried to see what he said so I may of taken a shower and cleaned my room and reorganized my book shelf... twice before I decided to suck it up and look.

Well that's it. I guess I have to kill you now. What a shame I'm really going to miss that ass of yours but you know your brother isn't half bad.

Wow what a jerk.

Oh shut up you assbutt! So your not mad at me?

No baby I'm not mad at you it's ok. I love you and I don't want to hide it anymore. I'm not ashamed to be with you and I hope you feel the same way. I love you soo much Cas.

Deans text made my heart swell.

Of corse I feel the same way. Now for the hard part....... Your going to have to come over for dinner.

Ya I guess I had a great life. I'm going to miss you when your dad turns me into highly fashionable accessories.

Love you too lol. See you tomorrow night for dinner at 8. Bye!

A/N: I know guys it's been a little while I'm sorry I have just been super busy and I started this chapter a while ago but I just didn't like it at all and rewrote it. I also started the spin off book but I might not post the chapters I have written for it(but I did post a little intro to it and the title is What You Should of Told Me)until I finish this story which will be coming to an end soonish. Also on the side is a pic of my baby Cas lol just look at his eyes!!!!! *melting* until next time. Love you!!!!!

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