Chapter 10

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****DEAN'S POV****

"You know dean, it's sad when you get to the point where you have to pay Castiel to have sex with you." Sam stated in a cocky/bitchy tone.

"Dude shut up you know I was talking about the pizza. If anything people would pay ME to sleep with them."

"I would definitely pay for you dean." Gabriel said in a nonchalant way while he stuffed pizza in his mouth.

"Aww but baby I thought I was your only whore." Sam fake wined.

"You know I will always love your sweet ass, but dean is a once in a life time chance and I can't pass that up!" Gabriel winked at me and then slapped Sam's ass before retreating back to the living room.

These two never cease to amaze and surprise me. To have a friendship that close must be awesome and if I'm being honest it wouldn't surprise me if they started dating in a year or two.

Well I'm bored. I could do one of two things, I could head over to the pizza place and pay them now or I could watch Gabriel and Sam play Mindless video games.

"Guys i'll be back soon I have to run to the pizza place. No having sex in my house!"

"No promises!" Gabriel shouted back.

Why did I not see that coming. Should I be concerned that I'm leaving my sweet innocent little brother here with him. Well Sam is not as sweet and innocent as I would like to say he is but he's not a bad kid, he's actually a nerdy kid who does all his homework in time and doesn't go out to wild parties. I should take him to a party some day. No bad dean don't corrupt your brother at such an early age.

The drive to the pizza place wasn't bad, but that's because it's only ten minutes away. When I get inside I was hit with the oh so constant reminder of home. That might sound strange that a pizza place would feel like home but that's because me and Sam grew up here. Literally. When I wasn't old enough to watch Sam our dad would bring us here to hang out with our cousin Jo. She wasn't actually our cousin, we weren't blood related but who's stupid idea was it to say that you had to be blood related in order to be family. Well I say that it's not true at all because Jo and her family were the closest thing I have, besides Sammy. Bobby and Ellen where like parents to me and Jo was the sister that I definitely didn't want.

"Dean what brings you out of hiding?" The sound of Bobby's voice snaps me back to reality as he yell at me from behind the counter.

"I came down here to pay for the pizzas and pies that I ordered"

"Um dean you do know that when you get delivery you pay the delivery man." Jo's sarcasm could be heard from the kitchen.

"Ya I was aware of that thank you Jo but Cas ran away before I could pay him."

"Why is that? What did you do to the poor boy?" Ellen asked, sounding more motherly then ever.

So of corse I told them I was dating Cas. These people are my family after all.

"I guess I embarrassed him."

"Of corse you did dean. You can't keep it in your pants for one night can you?" Jo said as she peaked out of the kitchen doors.

"Shut up Jo."

This was going to be really awkward for Cas when he got back. I'm sure Jo want going to let this one go. Speaking of Cas where was he?

"Where is our sexy little pizza boy?"

"Doing his job dean. Speaking of doing our jobs shouldn't you be at home watching your brother and his friend?" Bobby asked me while giving me a knowing look.

"Fine I'm leaving. Tell Cas I said hi and to come over later when he's finished here. Oh and tell him we have unfinished business in my kitchen."

"Get out of here boy before I skin you."

"Love you too Ellen" I replied.

Got to love my family.


A/N: this was obviously a filler chapter but I'm just trying to get back into writing. I do have an idea for their next date and I will tell you that it will be pretty entertaining. Spoiler alert: dean and Cas go out to eat and as always dean has to be his amazing (and sexy) self and embarrass Cas. Lol can't wait!

Destiel: Are You Serious?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt