Chapter 19 *ending* part 1

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When I hear about people coming out to their friends and family I never hear about it going perfectly, almost always somebody gets hurt and its usually the poor little gay boy like me. That's not the case here. everyone's been extremely accepting and even if they weren't I honestly don't think I could give two shits because I still have and always will have Dean.

But there is this one thing I'm worried about. Dean want us to be completely open about our relationship, which means he wants us to come out at school. I'm not worried about people knowing I'm gay I'm worried about what people will say about Dean, or what they will do to him. People can be so mean and I know that not everyone will be OK with our age difference, that and the fact that we are both of the male gender...

Dean is going to take so much shit for dating me. Not only am I a shy loser who's beyond smart, but I'm also only 15 and Dean is almost 18. People may think I'm too young for Dean but I believe that love has no bounds. You see falling in love is like walking down the stairs, you can be minding your own bid-ness and then all the sudden you trip and you are suddenly falling and your falling hard and you pray to chuck (A/N: hehe) that you don't break your damn neck on the way down.

Sorry for the randomness and deepness of that stair thing but these are the things that just pop up in my head while I'm laying in bed trying to sleep. If you stick around for my shower thoughts you will see just how deep I really am, and if any of my sexy dreams are to come true then Dean will see how deep I am in the shower too. Wow Cas that was really dirty, Dean must be rubbing off on you, and hopefully against you *insert suggestive wink here*

Well I guess I should probably get some sleep, or go take a cold shower.

****DEAN'S POV****

"Oh it was the heeeat of the moment!" I sang loudly as I cranked the volume up on Sexy, that's what I have decided to call my precious car now, as I made my way to get Cas for school. After today everyone will know that I'm with Cas and that I love him. A moment of silence for the poor girls who will never get a chance to 'tap this'.

As soon as Cas got in Sexy I knew how nervous he was to go to school, I also know why.

"Cas I want you to know that no matter what happens today, no matter what people say about me I will always stay by your side and I will always love you. You understand that right?" I rested one of my hands on Cas' thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"yes Dean I understand." Cas replied in a monotone voice.

We pulled into the school parking lot and Cas and I got out of Sexy. We walked to the front doors and I inhailed deeply before I grabbed Cas' hand and we made our way through.


A/N: And because I'm an evil bitch I'm going to break the last chapter up into about three parts but don't hate me because I think I might make the third part a little sex scene but only if you guys want it so let me know.

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