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JJ: if there is going to be a second date then why don't you say who it is

Addison: bc idk if he is okay with it

Hayes: then ask him

Taylor: ^

Addison: okay

JJ: omg seriously, about time

Addison: before I tell you, IF something bad happens you CANNOT do anything, any of you

JJ: okay

Cam: we agree

Addison: Shawn

JJ: I accept

Cam: Awe!

Messages between shawn and JJ

JJ: So I heard...

Shawn: Yeah, I promise I am not going to hurt her Jack

JJ: ok, I'm watching you young man.

Shawn: Ok so talk to you later?

JJ: yep

Shawn: ok bye

JJ: bye

End of conversation

Carter: so um...

Matt: saw it coming

JackG: saw what

Matt: Add and Shawn, he talks about her a lot

Aaron: sooo, are you guys like dating or something

Addison: not that ik of

JackG: wym

Addison: we're taking it slow

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