
3.9K 63 3

Shawn: I hate your sister

JJ: who mine?

JackG: or mine?

Nash: or mine?

Shawn: Johnson

JJ: why

Shawn: she scared the shit out of me

Add: he cried like a baby

Matt: what did you do

Luh: ^

Add: a break up prank

Skathan: gold

Shawn: and she got it on video, how did I not see the camera

JJ: that deserves a celebration

Ens: what on video

Add: most definetly

Aaron: I got to watch that

Shawn: it wasn't funny

Sammy: sounds better than what Stass did

Shawn: bc it wasn't on you this time and it was face to face

Stass: oh shit lmao

JackG: gotta give the girl props

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