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Add: pool party tonight

Ens: alcohol and music

Stass: invite everyone

Tia: besides Madison

Hayes: even me

Add: even you

Nash: I'm down

Skate: lit

Ens: and you guys can have your smoking sessions

JackG: I'm in

Add: of course you are bc your Jack

Shawn: pool party seems legit

Stass: innocent Shawn not so innocent

Ens: what did you do Addison

Add: me? He chose to date me, that's all him

Tia: is it? Is it really

Add: okay maybe I do have a little influence, but it doesn't matter

Shawn: yeah

Skate: whatever you guys say

So I've been reading the comments and people are shipping Addison and Jack. Like, hm, I can't ruin a perfectly good Shawn and Addison relationship, not now. That's like total betrayal.

I just need permission from one person and she knows who she is. If she agrees with that action, then maybe.

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